Purpose: This document provides basic guidance on how to manage contact and organization information in eLINK.
BWSR maintains contact information in the system for:
- Staff and boards/councils of the local governments, (these contacts don’t have eLINK Accounts)
- eLINK Users, (Users, SWCD Users, SWCD Managers, NRCS Users, NRCS Managers these roles have eLINK Accounts)
- Select State and Federal agency staff, (Users)
- Staff of organizations partnering with the above entities
- Non-governmental organizations, and (Users)
- Tribal governments (Users)
- Organizations
- Other changes (update the Day-to-day contact (D2DC) for your organization)
- Directories
Search, View, Edit, Add, and Export Contacts
Under Contacts, and Contact and User Management, eLINK Users can search, edit select details about contacts for their organization and export contacts data into a report.
How to maintain and edit Contact information:
Board Members:
Adding new:
SWCD Users and SWCD Managers can Add “NEW” board members:
- On the left side menu click Contacts > Contact and User Management
- Click the “Add New Contact” button and complete the fields
- Click Save
A new Contact request will be reviewed and Approved by BWSR staff.
Adding New Contacts:
SWCD Users or SWCD Managers can Add “NEW” staff members as a New Contact. Add “New” staff only if they do not need access to eLINK. If a staff member will be monitoring grants, applying for funding, or managing Technical Training/IDP information, they will need to create their own eLINK User account. DO NOT add a NEW Contact for an eLINK User. BWSR Staff will automatically add the “Staff” Contact Type, when the eLINK Account is approved:
- On the left side menu click Contacts > Contact and User Management
- Click the “Add New Contact” button and complete the fields
- Click Save
A new Contact request will be reviewed and Approved by BWSR staff.
Editing Current:
SWCD User’s and SWCD Managers can EDIT current board member's information:
- On the left side menu click Contacts > Contact and User Management
- Enter a last name in the last name field
- Click Search
- Once the name comes up click “REVIEW”
- Make the edits in this screen
- Click Save
Deleting a contact:
If you need any Contacts “DELETED” submit the request via the Support Ticket form in eLINK (preferred) or to eLINKsupport@state.mn.us.
eLINK Users:
Edit their own information:
eLINK Users can EDIT their own information
- Sign into eLINK
- Click on their name in the upper right hand corner
- Click My Account
- Edit their own information in the Contact Information screen
- Click Save
eLINK Users applying for funding, monitoring Grants or Managing Technical Training/IDP Information - they will need to create their own or managing on behalf of someone else:
- Must create their own eLINK User account. Please follow these instructions for Setting up an eLINK account
Deactivating an eLINK User:
If you need a User “DEACTIVATED” submit the request via the Support Ticket form in eLINK (preferred) or to eLINKsupport@state.mn.us.
How to maintain and edit Organization information
Edit your own Organization:
Anyone with an eLINK User account can EDIT the following information about their organization
- Organization Phone
- Organization Phone Extension
- Organization Fax
- Organization Website
- Organization Address
Requesting any other Changes to Contacts or Organizations:
- Edits that cannot be completed by someone that has an eLINK User account (for example if an organization needs to update their D2DC), should be submitted via the Support Ticket form in eLINK (preferred) or to eLINKsupport@state.mn.us.
These are directly tied to eLINK, but can only be accessed by eLINK Users
- Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD)
- SWCD Technical Service Areas
- Watershed Districts (WD)
- Watershed Management Organizations (WMO)
- Wetland Conservation Act (WCA)
- Local Water Management (LWM)