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Purpose: This document provides basic guidance on how to manage contact and organization information in eLINK. 

BWSR maintains contact information in the system for

  • eLINK Users,
  • Staff and boards/councils of the local governments,
  • Select State and Federal agency staff
  • Staff of organizations partnering with the above entities
  • Non-governmental organizations, and 
  • Tribal governments

Search, View, Edit, Add, and Export Contacts

Under Contacts, and Contact and User Management, certain users (SWCD Managers and SWCD Users) can search for and edit select details about contacts for their organization. They can also export this data in a report.

Anyone who is an eLINK user can edit their own contact and primary organization information. Certain users (SWCD Managers and SWCD Users) are able to edit details on behalf of staff members within their organization who do not have eLINK user accounts (Contact Only). 

If a "staff" person at your organization needs to monitor grants they must create an eLINK account. Please follow these instructions for Setting up an eLINK account


To Request Changes to Contacts or Organizations

Edits to another User's account, such as account deactivation or a change in email address, should be submitted via the Support form in eLINK (preferred) or to eLINKsupport@state.mn.us.


If you have an eLINK question, please email elinksupport@state.mn.us or if you encounter an eLINK error message please submit an elinksupport ticket via the Support form in eLINK.