Not all training takes place in a classroom. We’ve put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics.

Online Learning
This table displays Online Learning opportunities and details.
Training calendar
Title Subject Skill Format Description Source
Tech Talk: Livestock 101 Livestock Webinar

This Tech Talk provides basic information for several species of livestock that may be raised on pasture, including the following topics:


Easement Enhancement Program Webinar Easements Funding Request/Applications Webinar

This is a recording of the Easement Enhancement Program webinar training session from 2/18/2025. The webinar provided an overview of the program…


Soil Health and Management Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management

This Track is a suggested sequence of trainings, replays, and information pertaining to the design, installation, and certification of soil health…


Managed Grazing Systems Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Managed Grazing Systems

This Track is a suggested sequence of trainings, replays, and information pertaining to the design, installation, and certification of managed…


Herbaceous Vegetation Establishment Vegetation Practice Specific

This Track is a suggested sequence of trainings, replays, and information pertaining to the design, installation, and…


Tech Talk: Maximum Return To Nitrogen Nutrient Management Practice Specific Webinar

Minnesota - along with Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio - uses the Maximum Return to Nitrogen (MRTN) approach to corn N rate…

TTCP, UMN, UMN Extension

Tech Talk: Ag Water Quality Program Update Water Quality Webinar

This Tech Talk highlights the New Minnesota Ag Water Quality Certification Assessment tool that was released this summer, as well other program…


An Overview of Technical Note 190-12: Conservation Activities in Organic Farming Systems Part 1: Soil Health, Climate and Nutrients Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Webinar

This webinar will cover select topics from Technical Note 12 – Conservation Activities in Organic Farming Systems – which provides a wealth of…

Conservation Webinars

Tech Talk: Virtual Fence Practice Specific Webinar

TTCP, Green Lands Blue Waters

2024 Tech Talks

Tech Talks is a online training series organized by the Technical Training and Certification Program. Rotating speakers cover a wide variety…


Tech Talk: ICPS 827 Strategic Harvested Forage Management Practice Specific Webinar

Strategic Harvested Forage Management is a new interim conservation practice and consists of developing a planned winter feeding strategy that…


The Soil is Alive on Highway 75 Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Video

Watch and learn about Soil Health through discussions, simulations and demonstrations with Ray Archuleta, a Certified Professional Soil Scientist…

TTCP, Traverse SWCD

Monarch Biology and Management Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Wildlife Habitat Assessment & Management Webinar

This recorded webinar covers the biology of the monarch, its conservation status, and management techniques to improve breeding habitat for the…


Virtual Fence Practice Specific Reference Material

A PowerPoint presentation developed by NRCS with these objectives: 

  • Learn the basic components of a virtual fence (VF) system…


Assisted Migration 101 Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Forest Ecology and Management Webinar

In this webinar, participants will gain insights into the basic concepts of local adaptation in trees and explore the three types of assisted…

Forestry Webinars

Tech Talk: Irrigation Management Assistant (IMA) Tool Practice Specific Webinar

Join Vasudha Sharma, U of M, as she demonstrates the Irrigation Management Assistant (IMA) Tool. She will discuss how to access the…


Virtual Fencing 101 Practice Specific Reference Material

A power point presentation developed by Green Lands, Blue Waters on the basics of virtual fencing.  You will learn about:
• Virtual fence…

Green Lands Blue Waters

Grazing Technology Practice Specific Video

Rangeland Trust webinar about grazing technology on public and private rangelands in California. The discussion included an explanation of the…

California Rangeland Trust

Virtual Fencing - Setup for Success Practice Specific Video

A 3 part video series:  Explore the transformative potential of virtual fence technology in livestock management. Although it was first…

Oregon State University

Exploring the Boundaries of Virtual Fence Webinar 2: Virtual Fence Applications Practice Specific Reference Material

Join us to learn about three real-world examples of how virtual fence (VF) has been used for rangeland and livestock management. We hope this…

Rangelands Gateway

Exploring the Boundaries of Virtual Fence Webinar 1: Virtual Fence 101 & Vendor Comparison Practice Specific Webinar

Join us to learn about the basics of virtual fence (VF) technology, including an overview of the components, potential applications, and compare…

Rangelands Gateway

Feed Management Practice Specific Webinar

This one day workshop, hosted by the National Animal Nutrition Program (NANP) and the USDA’s NRCS, will provide participants with a general…


Tech Talk: Nitrogen Stabilizer Efficacy Nutrient Management Webinar


Tech Talk: Cropland In Field Soil Health Assessment and Its Role to Evaluate Soil Function Soil Soil Health and Management Webinar

During this session with Stephanie McLain, attendees gain awareness and knowledge of the Cropland In Field Soil Health Assessment developed by the…


Tech Talk: Organic No Till Systems: Can it work? Practice Specific

Patrick Carr, Montana State University, and Erin Silva, University of Wisconsin, discuss Organic No Till systems and how they work…or don’t work.…


Continuous Living Cover 101 Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Online Course

Continuous Living Cover 101, available from Green Lands Blue Waters, is a self paced, online course for agricultural, conservation, and technical…

Green Lands Blue Waters

Tech Talk: Conservation Tree Shrub Groups (CTSGs) Practice Specific

The Conservation Tree-Shrub Groups (CTSGs) are a planning tool that aid in the selection of trees and shrubs for planting based on soil type.…


Tech Talk: Soil Health Resource Concerns Planning Soil Health and Management Webinar

Stephanie McLain (NRCS State Soil Health Specialist) provides an overview of the soil health resource concerns including how to evaluate them.…


Economics of Crop Production Planning Webinar

In this online training, Samuel Porter (Economist, NRCS MN) and Keith Olander (Executive Director, AgCentric) cover the costs and economic…


Tech Talk: Intro to Urban Soil Health for Conservation Planning and Management Planning Soil Health and Management Webinar

In this webinar, Josh Beniston, NRCS Regional Soil Health Specialist covering urban areas, presents an overview of soil health in the context of…


Tech Talk: Brush Management (CPS 314) in Grasslands and Savannas Practice Specific Webinar

Brush Management is becoming increasingly needed on our grassland and savanna habitats to maintain their open character. However, this tool can be…


Tech Talk: Core Concepts for Designing and Evaluating Native Seed Mixes Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Vegetation – Species, Seeding and Seed Mixes Webinar

Karin Jokela, Xerces Society Partner Biologist, covers how to design and evaluate native seed mixes using the latest version of the NRCS seeding…

TTCP, Xerces

Brome Conversion and Long-Term Grassland Management Vegetation Wildlife Habitat Assessment & Management Video

An overview of successful long-term brome conversion methods based on field results. Grassland management for long-term success. Considerations to…


Tech Talk: 2024 Pest Management Forecast Planning Pest Management Webinar

Bruce Potter, UMN Extension Integrated Pest Management Specialist, looks at pest management considerations for the coming year. Bruce discusses…

TTCP, UMN Extension

Tech Talk: Pest Management Follow Up Pest Management Webinar

This is a follow up to the in person Basic Pest Management Concepts training sessions that were held in January, 2024. Courtney Cheever, NRCS…


Tech Talk: Minnesota Wheat's On Farm Research Network Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Webinar

Melissa Carlson, lead researcher and coordinator of Minnesota Wheat's On Farm Research Network, provides an overview of how they work with growers…

TTCP, MN Wheat

Tech Talk: MN Seed Law Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Vegetation – Species, Seeding and Seed Mixes Webinar

This session provides an overview of Minnesota's Seed law, one of the oldest consumer protection laws in Minnesota, which is in place to ensure a…


Silvopasture: An Introduction and Overview Practice Specific Webinar

In this webinar, we will provide an introduction to and overview of silvopasture for any level. Learn more about what it is, who should…

Conservation Webinars

Tech Talk: Source Water Protection Water Quality Basics Webinar

During this session Courtney Cheever (NRCS), Mark Wetlauffer (MDH), Aaron Meyer (MRWA), and Katie Breth (MRWA) provide an introduction to the…


Soil Erosion: Conservation Practices for Soil Erosion Control Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Erosion Prediction Models Online Course

This course covers the structural, vegetative, and management conservation practices used to reduce all five types of soil erosion.


RIM Reforestation Easement Program Training Easements Funding Request/Applications Webinar


Tech Talk: Back to our Roots: Managing Alfalfa for Yield and Environment Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy

Joshua Gamble, ARS Research Agronomist, discusses the role alfalfa roots play in mediating yield, stand persistence, and ecosystem services.…


Tech Talk: Seed Calculator Revisions Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Vegetation – Species, Seeding and Seed Mixes Webinar

The new version of the seeding spreadsheet has the ability to do seeding checkouts based on seed tags listing a Pure Live Seed (PLS) applied…


Selling Seed in Minnesota (Seed Law) Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Vegetation – Species, Seeding and Seed Mixes Video

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture has put together this presentation to help retailers understand the requirements for labeling and selling…


Forestry CPAs, DIAs, and CEMAs Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Forestry Basics and Practices Webinar

Callie Bertsch, NRCS State Forester, gives an overview of the criteria for Forestry CPA 106, DIA 165, and CEMA 223 activity plans. She reviews a…


Ag 101 - Session 6: Bringing it All Together in the Fall Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Webinar

Ian Olson and Ken Fransky of Centrol Crop Consulting share information and videos about different fall activities on a farm.

TTCP, Centrol

Ag 101 - Session 5: Manure Management and Livestock Operations Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy

Ian Olson and Ken Fransky of Centrol Crop Consulting  present on the value and utilization of manure in the context of farm economics,…

TTCP, Centrol

Ag 101 - Session 4: Farm Economics and Working with Farmers Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Webinar

Ian Olson and Ken Fransky of Centrol Crop Consulting present information on the different types of tillage and planting equipment with discussion…

TTCP, Centrol

Ag 101 - Session 3: Tillage Equipment and Planting Systems Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Webinar

Ian Olson and Ken Fransky of Centrol Crop Consulting present information on the different types of tillage and planting equipment with discussion…

TTCP, Centrol

2023 Tech Talks Webinar

Tech Talks is a online training series organized by the Technical Training and Certification Program. Rotating speakers cover a wide variety…