This Track is a suggested sequence of trainings, replays, and information pertaining to the design, installation, and certification of managed grazing systems.
Basic Tech Skills (Matrix)
Managed Grazing Systems
Training Type
Online Learning
United States
Prescribed Grazing
- Complete the Conservation Planning Core Competency Modules
- Become a Level 1 Conservation Planner
- Introduction to Animal Agriculture - the Minnesota Beef Industry
- Tech Talk : Livestock 101
Recommended Trainings
- Beginner Trainings
- Prescribed Grazing Training Series
- Prescribed Grazing (Offered in person annually)
- Pasture Condition Scoring (Offered in person depending on demand)
- Estimating Forage Production (Offered in person depending on demand)
- Grazing Facilitating Practices (Offered in person depending on demand)
- Working Effectively with Livestock Producers (Offered in person depending on demand)
- Intermediate/Advanced Training
- Advanced Grazing Management (Offered in person depending on demand)
- Become a Level 2 Conservation Planner with a Prescribed Grazing specialization (Coming soon!)
Conservation Practices for Job Approval Authority
Identify potential mentors in your office or work area with JAA. If you need assistance with this step please contact a TTCP trainer.
Primary Practices
- CPS 382: Fence
- CPS 472: Access Control
- CPS 512: Pasture and Hay Planting
- CPS 516: Livestock Pipeline
- CPS 528: Prescribed Grazing
- CPS 561: Heavy Use Area Protection
- CPS 614: Watering Facility
Secondary Practices
- CPS 314: Brush Management
- CPS 533: Pumping Plant
- CPS 575: Trails and Walkways
- CPS 576: Livestock Shelter Structure
- CPS 578: Stream Crossing
- CPS 642: Water Well
Additional Opportunities
- Join a grazing cohort when available
- Offered annually for grazing plan development and for stand alone CPS 528 certification
- Work on conservation practice planning
- Work with a mentor to guide and review your work
- Complete the JAA Application
- Complete the JAA Reference Form with your mentor
- Submit the JAA Packet to your ARC
- Continue to refine and hone your technical skills until you receive JAA
- Continue to gain experience by planning practices and continuing your learning
- Mentor others - someone helped you, so pass it on!
- Three year JAA review