2025 MWPCP Training Courses:
Online Training
MWPCP online training focuses on the regulatory aspects of implementing the Wetland Conservation Act in Minnesota. There are no fees for our online regulatory courses. However, participants are required to register for the training.
WCA 101 virtual training- February 4-5 (2 half days) (3 online CEC per day)
This repeat virtual course is intended for individuals who are new to the wetland business in MN. The course will walk through each major section of the Wetland Conservation Act. The course is specifically geared towards new Local Government Unit (LGU) and Technical Evaluation Panel members but is very useful for all wetland delineators who want to understand the regulatory world of wetlands in Minnesota. Experienced professionals could also take this course as a refresher.
WCA 201 Virtual training- February 19 (1 half day) (3 online CEC)
This virtual training will provide an overview of the 2024 statute amendments relevant to the Wetland Conservation Act. Topics to be discussed include wetland classification, jurisdiction of deepwater habitat, agricultural activities exemption provisions and changes to the drainage, de minimis and utility exemptions.
Introduction to Wetland Delineation & Regulation Course
The course provides an introduction to both wetland delineation and wetland regulations in Minnesota. See the past agenda for more detail on course content. Most days involve a field exercise. Successful completion of the course qualifies individuals to take the Professional In-Training exam which is administered on the last day of the class.
Introduction to Wetland Delineation and Regulations: MN DOT Training Center, Shoreview - June 9-13 (Full)
Introduction to Wetland Delineation and Regulations: Northland Arboretum, Baxter - September 8-12
Introduction to Wetland Delineation and Regulations: MN DOT Training Center, Shoreview - October 6-10
Course fee: $1,200 ($600 for SWCD, LGU, & Tribal Government Entities). The course fee includes the exam application fee. Limit 30 participants per course.
Registration for the Introduction to Wetland Delineation & Regulation Course and Professional Exams: https://www.cognitoforms.com/BWSR9/MWPCPIntroductionCourseCertificationExamRegistrationForm
In-Person Training
TEP Academy- St Cloud MNDOT training center- April 16 & 17- Two one-day classes (6 CEC per day)
This course is intended for professionals who serve on a Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) implementing WCA. The course is designed to focus on roles, procedures, important concepts and some common scenarios TEP members encounter. Participants should have some basic level knowledge of how the WCA is implemented but direct experience on a TEP is not required. The content is introductory to intermediate. Participants can choose either date as they will be identical courses.
Course fee: $90 per day
Soils on the Landscape- Robert Nye Regional Park -April 29 & 30- Two one-day classes (6 CEC per day) (Full- both days)
This class will open with lectures on hydric soil development on glacial landforms, landscape position of wetlands in the eastern broadleaf forests of MN, common hydric soil indicators, and offsite resources such as the soil survey, LIDAR and aerial photography. Participants will spend the afternoon in field stations with soil scientists writing soil profile descriptions, interpreting soil catinas along landscapes, and identifying hydric soil indicators. Participants can choose either date as they will be identical courses. This course is being offered in collaboration with the MN Association of Professional Soil Scientists.
Course fee: $90 per day
Wetland Delineation Methods with Field Practicum- Cloquet Forestry Center- May 20-22 (18 CEC)
This course will provide an introduction to the 3-parameter approach of wetland delineation. Topics will include: wetland delineation methods, classification systems, hydrology indicators, hydric soil indicators, vegetation dominance tests and delineation reports. All days involve a field exercise to apply the skills. Each participant will participate in a field practicum on the final day. Note this course does not cover wetland regulations.
Course fee: $650, $325 for SWCD, LGU & Tribal Government Entities
Registration for the TEP Academy, Soils on the Landscape and Wetland Delineation Methods will open at 8am on March 3: https://www.cognitoforms.com/BWSR9/MWPCPTrainingRegistrationForm
Plant ID- Shoreview MNDOT Training Center (July 14) and Cloquet Forestry Center (July 16)-Two one-day classes (6 CEC per day)
The course will cover the basic concepts of plant identification, common species in MN, vegetation sampling methods, and a dominance test field exercise. Participants can choose either date as they will be identical courses taught at two different venues.
Course fee: $90 per day
MWPCP Regional Wetland Training- Northeast MN- Hermantown City Hall- August 12-13 (6 CEC per day)
This two day course will cover both regulatory and technical topics relevant to wetland work in northeast Minnesota. The first day will cover recent WCA statute changes that are now in effect- including changes to the de minimis and utility exemptions. Other topics will include applying for and reviewing trail projects and preservation wetland bank eligibility criteria. The second day will discuss technical topics such as mosaic wetlands, red parent material and sloped wetlands. Individuals can attend one or both days.
Course fee: $90 per day
Hydrogeomorphic Method of Classifying Wetlands - Hartley Nature Center, Duluth- October 28-29- Two one-day classes (6 CEC per day)
The course will provide a background on the science behind the Hydrogeomorphic Method of classifying wetlands, the parameters of HGM classes, common wetland indicators for each class and a field exercise mapping HGM wetland class. Participants can choose either date as they will be identical courses.
Course fee: $90 per day
Wetland Banking & Monitoring for Consultants- Shoreview MNDOT Training Center- November 12-13 (12 CEC)
This course is geared towards wetland consultants and will go into depth on wetland bank monitoring. The course will focus on wetland bank applications, performance standards and submitting monitoring reports. Each day consist of a field exercise.
Course fee: $180
Registration for the Plant ID, Regional Training, HGM and Wetland Banking & Monitoring for Consultants will open the week of June 16.
Link to List of Completed MWPCP Events for the Current Renewal Period
Participants do not need to submit a Credit Hour Reporting Form for these MWPCP continuing education hours. Also note that pre-registration will not be required for the virtual MWPCP events. Participation will be confirmed by documenting active participants and the completion of a survey at the end of the event.
Link to Complete List of Events Approved for Continuing Education Hours (non-MWPCP sponsored)
Note that if you attended any of these events you must submit a Credit Hour Reporting Form to receive the approved credits for your continuing education requirements.