NOTE: All completed and signed project applications utilizing the LGRWRP should be emailed to . See the following guidance for information on utilizing the program.
Guidance on Preparing and Processing LGRWRP Applications 9/20/2024 (pdf)
The Local Government Road Wetland Replacement Program (LGRWRP) was established to provide wetland mitigation for certain qualifying road reconstruction, repair and rehabilitation projects conducted by local road authorities (cities, townships, counties). BWSR provides wetland mitigation for wetland impacts incurred as a result of a qualifying project. Prior to program establishment in 1996, road authorities were responsible for providing their own wetland mitigation for such projects. Local road authorities must follow the required process to take advantage of the program.
LGRWRP project eligibility requirements are as follows:
- Does not involve new roads or roads expanded solely for additional traffic capacity lanes in anticipation of future demand.
- Must involve repair, rehabilitation, reconstruction or replacement of a currently serviceable road to meet state or federal design or safety standards or requirements.
- Must minimize wetland impacts.
- Must provide project plans and information including wetland boundaries, wetland impacts by type and demonstration of wetland impact minimization to the TEP at least 30 days prior to construction. For emergency maintenance work impacting less than 10,000 square feet of wetland, project plans and information may be submitted within 30 days of construction.
Local road authorities are strongly encouraged to schedule at least an annual meeting with members of the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) to discuss and help determine which upcoming road projects might qualify for the program. Local road authorities must complete the applicable parts of the Minnesota joint application form for those projects that meet program requirements and distribute them to all members of the TEP as well as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). Upon approval by the TEP via signatures, the local road authority must provide the signed form to the BWSR Wetland Mitigation Coordinator and/or his/her designee. In addition, the associated Corps permit number must be provided to BWSR so that their mitigation requirements can be satisfied by BWSR as well.
LGRWRP Work Group
The Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) convened a Work Group of key transportation and local government organizations to review the status of the Local Government Roads Wetland Replacement Program (LGRWRP) and develop recommendations to ensure predictable and adequate funding to secure the program's long-term viability.
12/31/24 LGRWRP Work Group Report