Many reports associated with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) program have been produced since its inception in 1991. These reports have informed various rule, policy and procedural changes to the program over the years. The reports provided on this website are primarily those that are particularly relevant to current WCA implementation efforts and policy initiatives. A few older reports are included that may still be useful and/or provide historical context for the program. There are numerous documents, meeting notes, agendas, presentations, comment letters and other materials associated with some of these reports which are available upon request from the contact listed below. Note that reports and documents associated with the state's 404 assumption analysis are on their own page separate from WCA Program Reports 404 Assumption page.
Annual WCA Program Activity Summary
These are summaries of reporting data from local government units (LGUs) with a role in implementing WCA. All LGUs must annually report information to the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) regarding their WCA implementation activities (Minn. Rules Chapter 8420.0200, Subp. 2 I.). It is important to note that none of this data includes activities associated with mining projects that are regulated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Division of Lands and Minerals under a Permit to Mine. Only the 2017 and 2018 data includes activities associated with projects on DNR owned or administered lands. Only the 2016 and 2017 data includes activities where the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is the LGU within their right of way.
The reporting data is not a comprehensive assessment of state wetland loss/gain, but it is a gauge of WCA regulatory activity. A more comprehensive assessment of state wetland loss/gain is provided through the wetland status and trends monitoring program conducted by DNR and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) (Wetland Status and Trends Program).
2016 - 2023 WCA Data Comparison Figures (pdf)
2023 WCA Reporting Data Summary (pdf)
2022 WCA Reporting Data Summary (pdf)
2021 WCA Reporting Data Summary (pdf)
2020 WCA Reporting Data Summary (pdf)
2019 WCA Reporting Data Summary (pdf)
2018 WCA Reporting Data Summary (pdf)
2017 WCA Reporting Data Summary (pdf)
2016 WCA Reporting Data Summary (pdf)
BWSR Research Reports
Assessing Wetland Quality of Depressional Wetlands to Refine Restoration Requirements and Strategies - 9-30-2020
2016 WCA Report to Legislature
This report was prepared at the direction of the legislature and submitted to the legislative committees with jurisdiction over environmental and natural resources, to provide proposals to implement certain aspects of WCA. Note that some of the links to other documents referenced in the report are no longer operable. Some of those referenced documents can be found on this page and others can be requested from the contact listed below.
2016 WCA Report to the Legislature (pdf)
Executive Order 12-04 Report (2012)
This executive order directed BWSR to develop recommendations on wetland policy. Results of this effort are in part reflected in the above 2016 WCA report to the legislature.
2012 Executive Order 12-04 Final Report (pdf)
NE Minnesota Wetland Mitigation
The following reports are related to issue of high mitigation demand and relative lack of mitigation opportunities in northeast Minnesota. The reports start with a 2009 and 2010 inventory and assessment, followed by interagency recommendations in a 2014 report. An EPA-funded report in 2015 identified example project opportunities that could be considered for alternative mitigation.
2014 Siting of Wetland Mitigation (pdf)
2015 Siting Alternative Wetland Mitigation Options (pdf)
2009 Wetland Mitigation Inventory & Assessment Phase 1 Report (pdf)
2010 Wetland Mitigation Inventory & Assessment Phase II Report (pdf)
Broad Interagency Reports & Plans
The following reports are broad interagency plans and strategies related to wetlands conservation and regulation in Minnesota.
2021-2025 Minnesota Wetland Program Plan (pdf)