WCA Rulemaking Overview

The Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) is responsible for promulgation of the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Rules. The current WCA Rule was adopted in 2009 and multiple statute changes have occurred since adoption. This page contains information relating to WCA Rulemaking, WCA statutes, public comments, and stakeholder participation. See our page on the WCA statute changes related to this rulemaking  2011 – 2024 WCA Statute Changes (link).

Rulemaking in Minnesota follows the procedures outlined in the Minnesota Administrative Procedure Act (APA), Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 14. BWSR staff utilize the Minnesota Rulemaking Manual as a procedural guide for WCA Rulemaking. The current WCA Rulemaking process was initiated in 2015 when an initial request for comments was published in the State Register. Supplemental requests for comments were published on January 20, 2022 and July 8, 2024. WCA Rulemaking Plan 5/16/2024 (pdf).

Preliminary Draft WCA Rule

An 11-12-24 Preliminary Draft WCA Rule was made available to enable early review and comment by the public prior to completion of a final draft rule and SONAR (Statement of Need and Reasonableness) and associated publication of a required notice in the State Register. The preliminary draft rule reconciles the rule with statutory amendments that occurred in 2011, 2012, 2015, 2017, and 2024. The preliminary draft rule also proposes to clarify requirements and procedures; update and modernize outdated rule provisions; improve mitigation outcomes; increase consistency with federal wetland regulations; and implement certain changes to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and/or outcomes of the rule.

Current Rule and Statutes

Current WCA Rule (adopted in 2009)

Compilation of Relevant WCA Statutes (link)

2011 – 2024 WCA Statute Changes (link) 

Public Involvement

Listening Sessions for Local Government Staff

Wetlands Advisory Committee Meetings

11-15-2023 Wetland Bankers Meeting: Meeting Recording & Powerpoint Presentation

Rulemaking Comments

Comments Received (link)

Related Information

Bank Service and Presettlement Areas. The current preliminary draft WCA rule proposes a board process to establish wetland bank service areas (BSAs). BWSR staff have coordinated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to identify potential adjustments to the current BSAs. The se adjustments were first made public in 2015 and have been presented at multiple venues since that time. In addition, 2017 amendments to statute tied presettlement wetland areas to BSAs. The following figures depict the potential changes to both:

Wetland Bank Review and Decision Process. The current preliminary draft WCA rule proposes a new wetland bank approval process consistent with 2024 amendments to statute. The following table is a comparison of the proposed process with the process used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under the Federal Mitigation Rule.

E-mail Distribution List

If you would like to be added to the e-mail distribution list for WCA rulemaking updates, please e-mail your name (first and last), organization, and e-mail address to bwsr.wcarulemaking@state.mn.us.


Ken Powell
Wetland Conservation Act Operations Supervisor
Les Lemm
Wetlands Section Manager
Lewis Brockette
Wetlands Policy Coordinator