BWSR offers a variety of competitive and formula grant programs to its local government partners. These funds may be appropriated through the Clean Water Fund, Lessard Sams Outdoor Heritage Council, the general fund, or direct appropriations.
When funding opportunities are available through BWSR, opportunities to submit competitive or formula funding requests will be listed on this page.
Water Quality and Storage Grants
This competitive grant program provides financial assistance to model, design, and construct projects and practices that will control water volume and rates to protect infrastructure, improve water quality and related public benefits, and mitigate climate change impacts. Funding for this application period is $3,000,000, with up to $500,000 available for modeling and conceptual design applications. Please read the RFP to understand changes to this program from previous years.
Eligible Organizations:
Joint Powers Board
MASWCD Technical Service Area
Soil Water Conservation Districts
Tribal Governments
Watershed Districts
Watershed Management Organizations
How to Apply: Applications must be submitted through eLINK, BWSR’s grants management system. *Account requests from individuals not associated with an eligible organization will be automatically deleted.
Application deadline: April 10, 2025 at 4:30pm. Late applications, or applications not submitted via eLINK, will not be considered.
- FY26 Water Quality and Storage Program RFP
- Water Quality and Storage Program FAQ
- Water Quality and Storage Program Fact Sheet
Performance Review and Assistance Program Grant
The Performance Review and Assistance Program (PRAP) provides grants to local governments who seek to improve efficiency and effectiveness in delivering and executing planned organizational goals and objectives. Local government units do not need to be the subject of a previous PRAP performance review to apply for these funds, but with limited funding, priority is given to recommended activities or strategies from previous reviews. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact their Board Conservationist and/or Don Bajumpaa, PRAP Coordinator, at for additional information on this program and for assistance in submitting an application.
How to Apply: Proposals must be submitted electronically to Don Bajumpaa at
Application deadline: Applications submitted on an ongoing basis as funding is available.
Wellhead Protection Partner Grants Program (Pilot)
The MN BWSR will be conducting a second round of grant funding for the Wellhead Protection Partner Grants Program (Pilot). This second round will hope to build upon projects currently underway to assist local government units in addressing their sensitive wellhead areas through land protection options such as fee title acquisition or long-term easements. Only High or Very High vulnerable Wellhead Protection Areas as mapped in an approved Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Wellhead Protection Plan are eligible to apply. This grant program is offered in conjunction with ongoing BWSR protection programs such as CREP and RIM where sensitive wellheads remain a high priority for enrollment. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Sharon Doucette at 651-539-2567 or for additional information on this program and for assistance in submitting an application.
How to Apply: Proposals must be submitted electronically to Sharon Doucette at
Application deadline: Applications due the last day of each month as funding is available.
- FY22 Wellhead Protection Partner Grants Program (Pilot) RFP (updated 09/21/21)