Currently we are not accepting application for this program.
Program Summary
The Pollinator Pathways grants promotes native plantings that establish key corridors (or pathways) for at-risk pollinators such as (but not limited to) the Monarch Butterfly and Rusty Patched Bumble Bee, Minnesota’s State Bee. This will be achieved by establishing and educating Minnesotans about pollinator conservation and promoting overall interest in ecological landscaping.

Program Goals
The goal of the Pollinator Pathways grant program is to establish and strengthen collaborations in residential and educational spaces to create connections to statewide and local habitat corridors/pathways, especially in underserved communities.
Eligible Applicants
Funding is available for counties, Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs), cities, tribal governments, watershed districts, watershed management organizations, nonprofit organizations, and public and non-profit pre-K through grade 12 schools.
Program Funding
In FY24/25 the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) offered more than $1.1 million in grant funding to promote and establish pollinator plantings though a residential and/or educational-based approach.
This funding is available through the state of Minnesota general fund. Grants will require a 10% non-state recipient match. Grant applications must be for a minimum request of $50,000. There is no maximum funding cap on awards.
Eligible Activities
- Project development and public outreach
- Establishment of pollinator habitat projects that use native plants to provide pollen and nectar sources, which bloom through the season and are less than 5 ac. in size.
- Program and project support
- Education
- Supplies/Equipment
- Administration and coordination
FY24/25 Pollinator Pathways Grant Recipients