
In 2023, BWSR received $4 million from the General Fund for the purpose of enhancing existing RIM easements. Enhancements are for the purpose of climate resiliency, adaptation, and carbon sequestration and include but are not limited to increasing biodiversity and mitigating the effects of rainfall and runoff events. These funds will be divided evenly between Wetland and Vegetation Enhancements. All information on this page refers to Vegetation Enhancements. This funding is linked to Minnesota’s Climate Action Framework.


  • Increased vegetative biodiversity
  • Improved wildlife habitat and pollinator resources
  • Increased carbon sequestration capacity on RIM easements
  • Mitigation of rainfall and runoff events

Enrollment Focus and Sign-up Schedule

Enhancement funds will prioritize projects where the landowner is willing to purchase a custom seed mix(es), did not receive any portion of the original easement payment, and are willing to provide an elected cost match (cash or in-kind).

Projects best suited for enhancement will be on sites that are surrounded by existing habitat, were enrolled prior to 2014, have low diversity, and/or are threatened with noxious weed pressure.

Applications will be reviewed at the end of every month. Funding is available until spent or June 30, 2029, whichever comes first.


All RIM easements are eligible for enhancement funding. For enhancement projects to be eligible to receive funding, the landowner must be interested in enhancement, currently be compliant with all easement terms and conditions, understand the reimbursement process, and be committed to ongoing, active management. Once eligibility criteria is met, projects will be prioritized based on site conditions.

Landowners interested in the Easement Vegetation Enhancement Program should work with their local SWCD staff to submit application materials.

Enhancement Application Materials

Easement Enhancement Program Guidance

Enhancement Eligibility Survey

Easement Enhancement Capacity Survey Instruction Guide

Enhancement Capacity Survey

Practice Implementation Request Form (PIRF)

Conservation Plan Workbook

Compatible Use Approval Form

Interseeding Guidance

Interseeding Wildflowers to Diversify Grasslands for Pollinators

Interseeding Wildflowers to Diversify Grasslands for Pollinators Brochure

Easement Vegetation Enhancement Photo


Sara Reagan
Easement Programs Coordinator