Not all training takes place in a classroom. We’ve put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics.

Online Learning
This table displays Online Learning opportunities and details.
Training calendar
Title Subject Skill Format Description Source
Tech Talk Replay: Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Guide for Monarchs Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

Tech Talk Replay from August 3, 2020. Karin Jokela, Xerces Society, reviews the monarch habitat evaluation guide (WHEG). She demonstrates how to…


Tech Talk Replay: Nutrient Management Module 7: Manure Nutrient Management Practice Specific Webinar

Tech Talk Replay from July 27, 2020. Join George Schwint, MPCA, covers nutrient management planning with manure. George will reviews County…


Nutrient and Pest Management Equipment Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Video

This short course looks at application equipment you may see in corn and soybean producing areas.


Silvopasture Webinar Series Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Managed Grazing Systems Webinar

The Sustainable Farming Association Hosted a webinar series focused on Silvopasture in April 2020.  The series can be found at the link.…

Sustainable Farming Association of MN, UMN, NRCS

Farming Implements in Action: Impacts on the Soil, Erosion Potential of Tillage Systems, and Economics Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Erosion Prediction Models Webinar

This webinar goes into the details of the five soil disturbing processes modeled in RUSLE2 (inversion, mixing, mixing with some inversion, lifting…


Cover Crop Strategies Podcasts Practice Specific Podcast

Cover Crop Strategies offers a series of Podcasts related to Cover Crops and Soil Health.  Topics include Cover Crop Management Tips,…

Cover Crop Strategies

Raingardens Practice Design Practice Specific Video

Blue Thumb has a three part video series posted on their website  called "Watersmart Landscaping: Raingardens".  In addition, there is a…

Blue Thumb

NPC Silviculture Strategies for Forest Stand Prescriptions Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Forest Ecology and Management Reference Material

The Division of Forestry has developed silviculture strategies to inform sustainable forest management in Minnesota. These documents include…


What's at risk? Implications of Climate Change on Forests and Options for Adaptation Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Forest Ecology and Management Webinar

Climate change is altering forest ecosystems, with many changes expected by the end of the 21st century. Forests vary widely, and not all forests…


Emulating Forest Disturbance with Silviculture Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Forest Ecology and Management Webinar

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has developed a Forest Ecology and Management course focused on advancing knowledge and skills for USFWS…


Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation of Forest Wildlife Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Forest Ecology and Management Webinar

Climate change is affecting the species and communities that make up our forests in a myriad of ways. Dr. Morelli will present a synthesis of the…


Tech Talk Replay: Grazing Facilitating Practices - Part 2 Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Managed Grazing Systems Webinar

Tech Talk Replay from July 20, 2020. Jeff Duchene, Nichole Sternquist, Craig Peterson, and Amanda Deans review the use, planning, and design of…


Harvesting Equipment Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Video

This short course looks at harvesting equipment you may see in corn and soybean producing areas.


Tech Talk Replay: Grazing Facilitating Practices - Part 1 Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Managed Grazing Systems Webinar

Tech Talk Replay from July 13, 2020. Dean Thomas, Lance Smith, Aaron Peter, Amanda Deans, and Pat Schultz reviewed the use, planning, and design…


Introduction to Conservation Forestry Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Forestry Basics and Practices Online Course

This course informs conservation planners about basic forest ecology and forest management practices to establish a foundation for implementing…


Nutrient and Pest Management Equipment Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Online Course

This short course looks at application equipment you may see in corn and soybean producing areas.


Harvesting Equipment Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Online Course

This short course looks at harvesting equipment you may see in corn and soybean producing areas.


Tech Talk Replay: Nutrient Management Module 9: Waste Storage Design Related Inventory Nutrient Management Practice Specific Webinar

Tech Talk Replay from July 6, 2020. Patrick Schultz discusses the planning criteria, site information, and details needing to be inventoried for…


Tech Talk Replay: HydroCAD Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Hydrology Webinar

Tech Talk Replay from June 29, 2020. Amanda Deans demonstrates a simple HydroCAD model.  She used the same simple drainage area from the ‘…


Tech Talk Replay: Evaluating Seed Mixes Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

Tech Talk Replay from June 22, 2020. Karin Jokela reviews pollinator habitat requirements and considerations, and goes on to evaluate several…


Tech Talk Replay: HEC-HMS Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Hydrology Webinar

Tech Talk Replay from June 15, 2020. Amanda Deans demonstrates the use of HEC-HMS. Amanda models a simple drainage area and compare the discharge…


Tech Talk Replay: Nutrient Management Module 3: Using Spatial Layers for Sensitive Features Nutrient Management Practice Specific Webinar

Tech Talk Replay from June 8, 2020. Laurie Svien reviews the sensitive features spatial layers, Agronomy Tech Note 32, and other resources used to…


Nutrient Management Module 1: Orientation to Minnesota's Nutrient Management Training Series Nutrient Management Practice Specific Webinar

This webinar is the first in Minnesota's nutrient management training series. It includes a review of soil fertility concepts, overarching…


Tech Talk Replay: Pasture Condition Scoresheet Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Managed Grazing Systems Webinar

Tech Talk Replay from June 1, 2020. Lance Smith (NRCS) and Jeff Duchene (NRCS) review the purpose and applicability of pasture scoring in pasture…


Nutrient Management Module 2: Planning for Sensitive Features Nutrient Management Practice Specific Reference Material

This self-paced material regarding sensitive features for nutrient management planning includes:

  • What are the resource concerns?…


Tech Talk Replay: Vegetative and CRP Stand Evaluation Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Vegetation Webinar

Tech Talk Replay from May 18, 2020. Laurie Svien and Jim Fritz review the use of Agronomy Tech Note 17 and CRP Note 125 in vegetative and CRP…


Tech Talk Replay: Livestock Shelter Structure Livestock Practice Specific Webinar

Tech Talk Replay from May 11, 2020. Lance Smith, Jeff Duchene, and Mike Krcmarik review the new Livestock Shelter Structure (PS576) information.…


What Environmental Health Professionals Need to Know About Wells Core Competency (Matrix) Water Quality Basics Webinar

This webinar recording discusses private well topics that environmental health professionals might encounter in the field. The webinar will cover…

Soil Health Test for Monitoring Midwest Soils Soil Soil Health and Management Webinar

As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Eileen Kladivko from Purdue University presents “Soil Health Tests for Monitoring Midwest…

Soil Health Nexus

Tech Talk Replay: Forestry Resource Concerns Forestry Forestry Basics and Practices Webinar

Tech Talk replay from May 4, 2020. Celie Borndal, NRCS State Forester, reviews common forestry resource concerns and planning criteria.


Soils Training Resources Soil Reference Material

This is a collection of video, webinar, and presentation training resources related to soils: mapping, classification, interpretations, GIS data,…


Tech Talk Reply: PTMApp Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) PTMApp Webinar

Tech Talk replay from April 27, 2020. Matt Drewitz reviews the use and features of the Prioritize Target Measure Application (PTMApp).


Tech Talk Replay: Engineering Field Tools (EFT) Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Practice Specific Webinar

Tech Talk replay from April 20, 2020. Aaron Peter demonstrates the use of the Engineering Field Tools (EFT) in waterway design.


Tech Talk Replay: Cover Crop Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Practice Specific Webinar

Tech Talk replay from April 13, 2020. Laurie Svien reviews PS340 Cover Crop, Agronomy Tech Note 33, online cover crop resources, and completing…


Our Groundwater Connection: Contamination Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Water Quality Basics Video

Groundwater education video created by Anoka SWCD in collaboration with the Anoka Co. Water Resource Outreach Collaborative.

Anoka SWCD

Our Groundwater Connection Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Water Quality Basics Video

Groundwater education video created by Anoka SWCD in collaboration with the Anoka Co. Water Resource Outreach Collaborative.

Anoka SWCD

Tech Talk: Critical Area Planting Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Practice Specific Webinar

Tech Talk replay from April 6, 2020. Kelly Voigt reviews the PS342 Critical Area Planting Implementation Requirements and examples.


Prairie Pod Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators

The link brings you to a series of podcasts about restoration and management of prairie.  The Prairie Pod communicates the science…


Seeding and Planting Equipment Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Video

This course will review seeding and planting equipment used in a corn/soybean setting.


Seeding and Planting Equipment Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Online Course

This course will review seeding and planting equipment used in a corn/soybean setting.


Topic 4, Module 12: Using Field Indicators to Assess Long-term Hydrology Wetland Wetland Soils Webinar

The module focuses on potential uses of Field Indicators of Hydric Soils to assess hydrologic characteristics of individual wetlands. This module…


Topic 4, Module 11: Using Soils for Mitigation, Voluntary Restoration and Creation Wetland Wetland Soils Webinar

The module focuses on how wetland professionals can use soil science principles in onsite decision making for work in the areas of wetland…


Topic 4, Module 10: Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States Wetland Wetland Soils Webinar

The module focuses on using the NTCHS Indicators of Hydric Soils (Version 7.0) for onsite decision making about soils in the field. This module…


Topic 3, Module 9: HGM and Hydric Soils Wetland Wetland Soils Webinar

The module focuses on the Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) system and hydric soils. The classification of wetlands in the HGM system is based on landscape…


Topic 3, Module 8: Problematic Landscapes and Parent Materials Wetland Wetland Soils Webinar

The module focuses on problematic landscapes and parent materials. Most hydric soils exhibit certain common morphological characteristics that…


Topic 3, Module 7: Landscapes and Hydric Soil Wetland Wetland Soils Webinar

The module focuses on typical hydric soil morphologies associated with major wetland types-tidal marshes, peat bogs, perennially-inundated swamps…


Topic 2, Module 6: The Hydric Soil Technical Standard Wetland Wetland Soils Webinar

The module focuses on the Hydric Soil Technical Standard. The Hydric Soil Technical Standard (HSTS) provides a quantitative method of determining…


Topic 2, Module 5: Hydric Soil Functions Wetland Wetland Soils Webinar

The module focuses on wetland functions attributed directly to hydric soils. Functions are the biological, chemical, and physical processes that…


Topic 2, Module 4: Redox Reactions and Redoximorphic Features Wetland Wetland Soils Webinar

This module begins with a review of redox reactions and redoximorphic features. Reduction and concurrent oxidation (redox) are the dominant…


Topic 1, Module 3: Describing Soil Color for Hydric Soils Determinations Wetland Wetland Soils Webinar

This module focuses on describing soil color. Soil color and the color patterns in soil can tell you a lot about the soil. It is an especially…