Not all training takes place in a classroom. We’ve put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics.
Title | Subject | Skill | Format | Description | Source |
Tech Talk Replay: Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Guide for Monarchs | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Webinar |
Tech Talk Replay from August 3, 2020. Karin Jokela, Xerces Society, reviews the monarch habitat evaluation guide (WHEG). She demonstrates how to… |
Tech Talk Replay: Nutrient Management Module 7: Manure | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Tech Talk Replay from July 27, 2020. Join George Schwint, MPCA, covers nutrient management planning with manure. George will reviews County… |
Nutrient and Pest Management Equipment | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Ag & Agronomy | Video |
This short course looks at application equipment you may see in corn and soybean producing areas. |
Silvopasture Webinar Series | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Managed Grazing Systems | Webinar |
The Sustainable Farming Association Hosted a webinar series focused on Silvopasture in April 2020. The series can be found at the link.… |
Sustainable Farming Association of MN, UMN, NRCS |
Farming Implements in Action: Impacts on the Soil, Erosion Potential of Tillage Systems, and Economics | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Erosion Prediction Models | Webinar |
This webinar goes into the details of the five soil disturbing processes modeled in RUSLE2 (inversion, mixing, mixing with some inversion, lifting… |
Cover Crop Strategies Podcasts | Practice Specific | Podcast |
Cover Crop Strategies offers a series of Podcasts related to Cover Crops and Soil Health. Topics include Cover Crop Management Tips,… |
Cover Crop Strategies |
Raingardens | Practice Design | Practice Specific | Video |
Blue Thumb has a three part video series posted on their website called "Watersmart Landscaping: Raingardens". In addition, there is a… |
Blue Thumb |
NPC Silviculture Strategies for Forest Stand Prescriptions | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Forest Ecology and Management | Reference Material |
The Division of Forestry has developed silviculture strategies to inform sustainable forest management in Minnesota. These documents include… |
What's at risk? Implications of Climate Change on Forests and Options for Adaptation | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Forest Ecology and Management | Webinar |
Climate change is altering forest ecosystems, with many changes expected by the end of the 21st century. Forests vary widely, and not all forests… |
Emulating Forest Disturbance with Silviculture | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Forest Ecology and Management | Webinar |
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has developed a Forest Ecology and Management course focused on advancing knowledge and skills for USFWS… |
Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation of Forest Wildlife | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Forest Ecology and Management | Webinar |
Climate change is affecting the species and communities that make up our forests in a myriad of ways. Dr. Morelli will present a synthesis of the… |
Tech Talk Replay: Grazing Facilitating Practices - Part 2 | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Managed Grazing Systems | Webinar |
Tech Talk Replay from July 20, 2020. Jeff Duchene, Nichole Sternquist, Craig Peterson, and Amanda Deans review the use, planning, and design of… |
Harvesting Equipment | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Ag & Agronomy | Video |
This short course looks at harvesting equipment you may see in corn and soybean producing areas. |
Tech Talk Replay: Grazing Facilitating Practices - Part 1 | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Managed Grazing Systems | Webinar |
Tech Talk Replay from July 13, 2020. Dean Thomas, Lance Smith, Aaron Peter, Amanda Deans, and Pat Schultz reviewed the use, planning, and design… |
Introduction to Conservation Forestry | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Forestry Basics and Practices | Online Course |
This course informs conservation planners about basic forest ecology and forest management practices to establish a foundation for implementing… |
Nutrient and Pest Management Equipment | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Ag & Agronomy | Online Course |
This short course looks at application equipment you may see in corn and soybean producing areas. |
Harvesting Equipment | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Ag & Agronomy | Online Course |
This short course looks at harvesting equipment you may see in corn and soybean producing areas. |
Tech Talk Replay: Nutrient Management Module 9: Waste Storage Design Related Inventory | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Tech Talk Replay from July 6, 2020. Patrick Schultz discusses the planning criteria, site information, and details needing to be inventoried for… |
Tech Talk Replay: HydroCAD | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Hydrology | Webinar |
Tech Talk Replay from June 29, 2020. Amanda Deans demonstrates a simple HydroCAD model. She used the same simple drainage area from the ‘… |
Tech Talk Replay: Evaluating Seed Mixes | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Webinar |
Tech Talk Replay from June 22, 2020. Karin Jokela reviews pollinator habitat requirements and considerations, and goes on to evaluate several… |
Tech Talk Replay: HEC-HMS | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Hydrology | Webinar |
Tech Talk Replay from June 15, 2020. Amanda Deans demonstrates the use of HEC-HMS. Amanda models a simple drainage area and compare the discharge… |
Tech Talk Replay: Nutrient Management Module 3: Using Spatial Layers for Sensitive Features | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Tech Talk Replay from June 8, 2020. Laurie Svien reviews the sensitive features spatial layers, Agronomy Tech Note 32, and other resources used to… |
Nutrient Management Module 1: Orientation to Minnesota's Nutrient Management Training Series | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Webinar |
This webinar is the first in Minnesota's nutrient management training series. It includes a review of soil fertility concepts, overarching… |
Tech Talk Replay: Pasture Condition Scoresheet | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Managed Grazing Systems | Webinar |
Tech Talk Replay from June 1, 2020. Lance Smith (NRCS) and Jeff Duchene (NRCS) review the purpose and applicability of pasture scoring in pasture… |
Nutrient Management Module 2: Planning for Sensitive Features | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Reference Material |
This self-paced material regarding sensitive features for nutrient management planning includes:
Tech Talk Replay: Vegetative and CRP Stand Evaluation | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Vegetation | Webinar |
Tech Talk Replay from May 18, 2020. Laurie Svien and Jim Fritz review the use of Agronomy Tech Note 17 and CRP Note 125 in vegetative and CRP… |
Tech Talk Replay: Livestock Shelter Structure | Livestock | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Tech Talk Replay from May 11, 2020. Lance Smith, Jeff Duchene, and Mike Krcmarik review the new Livestock Shelter Structure (PS576) information.… |
What Environmental Health Professionals Need to Know About Wells | Core Competency (Matrix) | Water Quality Basics | Webinar |
This webinar recording discusses private well topics that environmental health professionals might encounter in the field. The webinar will cover… | |
Soil Health Test for Monitoring Midwest Soils | Soil | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Eileen Kladivko from Purdue University presents “Soil Health Tests for Monitoring Midwest… |
Soil Health Nexus |
Tech Talk Replay: Forestry Resource Concerns | Forestry | Forestry Basics and Practices | Webinar |
Tech Talk replay from May 4, 2020. Celie Borndal, NRCS State Forester, reviews common forestry resource concerns and planning criteria. |
Soils Training Resources | Soil | Reference Material |
This is a collection of video, webinar, and presentation training resources related to soils: mapping, classification, interpretations, GIS data,… |
Tech Talk Reply: PTMApp | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | PTMApp | Webinar |
Tech Talk replay from April 27, 2020. Matt Drewitz reviews the use and features of the Prioritize Target Measure Application (PTMApp). |
Tech Talk Replay: Engineering Field Tools (EFT) | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Tech Talk replay from April 20, 2020. Aaron Peter demonstrates the use of the Engineering Field Tools (EFT) in waterway design. |
Tech Talk Replay: Cover Crop | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Tech Talk replay from April 13, 2020. Laurie Svien reviews PS340 Cover Crop, Agronomy Tech Note 33, online cover crop resources, and completing… |
Our Groundwater Connection: Contamination | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Water Quality Basics | Video |
Groundwater education video created by Anoka SWCD in collaboration with the Anoka Co. Water Resource Outreach Collaborative. |
Anoka SWCD |
Our Groundwater Connection | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Water Quality Basics | Video |
Groundwater education video created by Anoka SWCD in collaboration with the Anoka Co. Water Resource Outreach Collaborative. |
Anoka SWCD |
Tech Talk: Critical Area Planting | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Tech Talk replay from April 6, 2020. Kelly Voigt reviews the PS342 Critical Area Planting Implementation Requirements and examples. |
Prairie Pod | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators |
The link brings you to a series of podcasts about restoration and management of prairie. The Prairie Pod communicates the science… |
Seeding and Planting Equipment | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Ag & Agronomy | Video |
This course will review seeding and planting equipment used in a corn/soybean setting. |
Seeding and Planting Equipment | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Ag & Agronomy | Online Course |
This course will review seeding and planting equipment used in a corn/soybean setting. |
Topic 4, Module 12: Using Field Indicators to Assess Long-term Hydrology | Wetland | Wetland Soils | Webinar |
The module focuses on potential uses of Field Indicators of Hydric Soils to assess hydrologic characteristics of individual wetlands. This module… |
Topic 4, Module 11: Using Soils for Mitigation, Voluntary Restoration and Creation | Wetland | Wetland Soils | Webinar |
The module focuses on how wetland professionals can use soil science principles in onsite decision making for work in the areas of wetland… |
Topic 4, Module 10: Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States | Wetland | Wetland Soils | Webinar |
The module focuses on using the NTCHS Indicators of Hydric Soils (Version 7.0) for onsite decision making about soils in the field. This module… |
Topic 3, Module 9: HGM and Hydric Soils | Wetland | Wetland Soils | Webinar |
The module focuses on the Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) system and hydric soils. The classification of wetlands in the HGM system is based on landscape… |
Topic 3, Module 8: Problematic Landscapes and Parent Materials | Wetland | Wetland Soils | Webinar |
The module focuses on problematic landscapes and parent materials. Most hydric soils exhibit certain common morphological characteristics that… |
Topic 3, Module 7: Landscapes and Hydric Soil | Wetland | Wetland Soils | Webinar |
The module focuses on typical hydric soil morphologies associated with major wetland types-tidal marshes, peat bogs, perennially-inundated swamps… |
Topic 2, Module 6: The Hydric Soil Technical Standard | Wetland | Wetland Soils | Webinar |
The module focuses on the Hydric Soil Technical Standard. The Hydric Soil Technical Standard (HSTS) provides a quantitative method of determining… |
Topic 2, Module 5: Hydric Soil Functions | Wetland | Wetland Soils | Webinar |
The module focuses on wetland functions attributed directly to hydric soils. Functions are the biological, chemical, and physical processes that… |
Topic 2, Module 4: Redox Reactions and Redoximorphic Features | Wetland | Wetland Soils | Webinar |
This module begins with a review of redox reactions and redoximorphic features. Reduction and concurrent oxidation (redox) are the dominant… |
Topic 1, Module 3: Describing Soil Color for Hydric Soils Determinations | Wetland | Wetland Soils | Webinar |
This module focuses on describing soil color. Soil color and the color patterns in soil can tell you a lot about the soil. It is an especially… |