Not all training takes place in a classroom. We’ve put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics.
Title | Subject | Skill | Format | Description | Source |
Nutrient Management Module 6c: Phosphorus Loss Risk Assessment | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Kelly Voigt, TTCP Training Conservationist, demonstrates the process to complete the Phosphorus Loss Risk Assessment worksheet. |
Tech Talk: Waste Facility Closure | Practice Design | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Craig Peterson, NRCS AE, and Patrick Schultz, TTCP Training Engineer, will provide a general discussion of topics related to the Waste Facility… |
Reviewing the 2020 Farm Economics to Make 2021 Decisions on the Farm | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Ag & Agronomy | Webinar |
This session will review the farm economics for Minnesota farms in 2020 including COVID impacts and opportunities. Additionally, we will review… |
Your Insect Allies: Meet the Beneficial Insects that Control Crop Pests and Promote Soil Health | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Pest Management | Webinar |
Join Karin Jokela, Pollinator Conservation Specialist with the Xerces Society, to get to know some of the most common beneficial insects above and… |
Tech Talk Replay: Nutrient Management Module 13 - Nutrient Recommendations | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Dr. Daniel Kaiser, UMN Extension, discusses soil sampling and using the results when making fertilizer recommendations for phosphorus and… |
Nutrient Management Module 12 - Nutrient Recommendations 1 Part 2 | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Brad Carlson, Dr. Dan Kaiser, Anne Nelson, UofM Extension Educators presents an abbreviated Nitrogen Smart Course. |
Nutrient Management Module 12 - Nutrient Recommendations 1 Part 1 | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Brad Carlson, Dr. Dan Kaiser, Anne Nelson, UofM Extension Educators presents an abbreviated Nitrogen Smart Course. |
Wetland Restoration | Practice Specific | Webinar |
This training will enable field staff involved in project applications, the design, or the construction of wetland restorations to have a solid… |
Forestry Equipment | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Forestry Basics and Practices | Video |
Duane Fogard, American Bird Conservancy Forester, from the Duluth Field Office, will lead us in a review of commonly used forest… |
Ag 101 - Session 1: Nutrient Management | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Ag & Agronomy | Video |
This training is presented by Centrol Crop Consulting Agronomists Ian Olson and Ken Fransky. They present information on soils in Minnesota… |
TTCP, Centrol |
Tech Talk: Tree/Shrub Establishment CPS 612 | Practice Specific | Video |
This session covers the use of Web Soil Survey to identify Conservation Tree/Shrub Groups and using the CTSG group spreadsheet to select species… |
Tech Talk: Minnesota Natural Resource Atlas | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | GIS-GPS | Webinar |
Are you looking for a user friendly tool for visualizing and analyzing spatial data and information? If so, join Will Bartsch and Cindy Hagley,… |
Tech Talk: Construction Inspection - Materials | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Construction Inspection | Webinar |
Tech Talk Replay from January 25, 2021. The fourth part of the Construction Inspection series, this session covers various details regarding… |
Tech Talk: HEC-HMS - Modeling a Grade Stabilization Structure | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Tech Talk Replay from March 1, 2021, A demonstration on how to use HEC-HMS to model a Grade Stabilization Structure. |
Nutrient Management Module 11: Manure Sampling, Testing and Crediting | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Video |
Jeff King, NRCS Water Quality Specialist, describes the requirements for manure sampling and testing and how to calculate manure nutrient credits… |
Nutrient Management Module 5b: Nitrogen Loss Risk Assessment | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Video |
Kelly Voigt, TTCP Training Conservationist, demonstrates the process to complete the Field Nitrogen Loss Risk Assessment worksheet. |
Evolution of Bale Grazing | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Managed Grazing Systems | Video |
Farmer panel discussion on bale grazing. |
Covers & Co. |
Winter Soil Health Virtual Series | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
The Minnesota Soil Health Coalition produced a series of webinars in January and February of 2021. These five webinars are: Webinar 1… |
Minnesota Soil Health Coalition |
GIS Training Videos | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | GIS-GPS | Video |
Mitch Brinks, TSA 1 GIS specialist has a Youtube channel with multiple training videos specific to soil and water conservation work. |
TSA 1 |
Multifunctional Shelterbelts: Considerations and Designs for Ecobuffers and Ecologically-based Farming | Practice Specific | Video |
Mark Wonneck and Gary Bank of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada discuss the benefits, functions and design considerations for woody… |
USDA National Agroforestry Center |
Pollinator Friendly Multi-functional Windbreak Design | Practice Specific | Video |
Mark Wonneck, of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada discusses the habitat requirements for pollinator species and how they can be considered and… |
USDA National Agroforestry Center |
Shelterbelt Renovation: Manitoba experience | Practice Specific | Video |
Richard Warkentin of the Stanley Soil Management Association in Manitoba presents on their experience with shelterbelt renovations. |
USDA National Agroforestry Center |
Windbreak Renovation: North Dakota experience | Practice Specific | Video |
Wells County (ND) SWCD Manager, Anne Ehni describes their experience with windbreak renovation. |
USDA National Agroforestry Center |
Renovation: Experiences in the Field | Practice Specific | Video |
Video describes need for windbreak renovation, equipment and various techniques that can be used. |
USDA National Agroforestry Center |
Assessment of Windbreak Condition and Indicators to Renovate | Practice Specific | Video |
Steve Rasmussen, a National Forest Service District Forester presents on evaluating the condition of an existing windbreak to determine if it… |
USDA National Agroforestry Center |
Silvopasture in Wisconsin: Goals, Challenges and Other Fodder for Thought | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Managed Grazing Systems | Webinar |
Recorded webinar from the Agroforestry in Action webinar series. Diane Mayerfeld presents information on Silvopasture -- progress, challenges and… |
University of Missouri |
Blowing Snow Control Tools | Practice Specific | Reference Material |
University of Minnesota resources for design of Living Snow Fences. This site includes a design tool, a video on how to run the design tool… |
UMN Extension |
Tree Identification | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Plant ID | Reference Material |
University of Minnesota resources for the identification of trees: Tree Identification Cards that can be downloaded and printed, Beginners… |
UMN Extension |
Climate Change and Adaptive Management for Agriculture | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
A supplemental video for the 2021 Soil Health and Sustainability. Discussion of the impacts of climate change on agriculture and the adaptive… |
It's All About Carbon: Building a Thriving Soil Biological Community | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
A supplemental video for the 2021 Soil Health and Sustainability. Dennis Chessman of NRCS gives a presentation on Soil Carbon at the 2018 National… |
Soil Health and Sustainability for Field Staff - Blended Delivery Module 5: Ecological Management | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
Module 5 of 9 in the virtual portion of this blended training for 2021. This training is designed to provide field-level conservationists… |
Soil Health and Sustainability for Field Staff - Blended Delivery Module 4: Resource Concerns | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
Module 4 of 9 in the virtual portion of this blended training for 2021. This training is designed to provide field-level conservationists… |
Soil Health and Sustainability for Field Staff - Blended Delivery Module 2: Soil Biology | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
Module 2 of 9 in the virtual portion of this blended training for 2021. This training is designed to provide field-level conservationists… |
Soil Health and Sustainability for Field Staff - Blended Delivery Module 1: Intro to Soil Health | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
Module 1 of 9 in the virtual portion of this blended training for 2021. This training is designed to provide field-level conservationists… |
Stream Visual Assessment Protocol 2 (SVAP 2) | Core Competency (Matrix) | Conservation Planning | Online Course |
Stream Visual Assessment Protocol 2 (SVAP2) introduces you to the process of visually assessing streams on working land. In this course, you’ll… |
AgLearn |
Using Basic Soil Survey Information in Conservation Planning | Core Competency (Matrix) | Conservation Planning | Online Course |
The goal of this course is to introduce you to several common soil properties and interpretations, the basics of map unit composition, and Web… |
AgLearn |
Using Planning Criteria in Conservation Planning | Core Competency (Matrix) | Conservation Planning | Online Course |
This course introduces you to NRCS planning criteria and their role in each phase of the Nine Steps of Conservation Planning. You will learn about… |
AgLearn |
Using WIN-PST for Conservation Planning | Core Competency (Matrix) | Conservation Planning | Online Course |
This course introduces you to the Windows Pesticide Screening Tool (WIN-PST). You will learn what the tool is and how to run it. You will also… |
AgLearn |
2021 Nitrogen: Minnesota’s Grand Challenge and Compelling Opportunity Conference | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Video |
Video presentations from the 7th Annual Nitrogen: Minnesota's Grand Challenge & Compelling Opportunity Conference February 9th, 2021… |
Minnesota Agricultural Water Resource Center |
Sustainable Crop Rotations with Cover Crops | Practice Specific | Reference Material |
Cover crops offer many benefits for agriculture that include erosion control; reduced compaction and nutrient leaching; increased water… |
Ohio State University |
Managing Cover Crops Profitably | Practice Specific | Reference Material |
Managing Cover Crops Profitably, Third Edition, was published in 2007 by the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)… |
Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education |
Tech Talk: Waterway Out of Bank flow design in EFT | Practice Design | Practice Specific | Webinar |
TTCP Training Engineer Aaron Peter will use the Engineering Field Tools software to demonstrate how to incorporate and calculate out-of-bank flows… |
Applying Skills We’ve Learned to Manure Management | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Video |
Discovery Farms Programs in Wisconsin and Minnesota are excited to bring to you a virtual conference series this winter. Join us as we cover… |
Minnesota Agricultural Water Resource Center |
Proficiency Exam - Conservation Economics | Conservation Planning | Reference Material |
This proficiency exam verifies competency to satisfy the conservation planner designation requirement of the Economics of Conservation Planning… |
Tech Talk: Prescribed Grazing (CPS528) and CSP 528 Enhancements | Livestock | Webinar |
What livestock management is needed to meet the Prescribed Grazing Standard? What are the requirements to meet the CSP Prescribed Grazing… |
Tech Talk: Scheduling Prescribed Grazing Practices | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Managed Grazing Systems |
Jeff Duchene, NRCS Grazing Lands Specialist, reviews the recommended order of installing facilitating practices for prescribed grazing. He reviews… |
Rules and Tools About Manure | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Video |
Discovery Farms Programs in Wisconsin and Minnesota are excited to bring to you a virtual conference series this winter. Join us as we cover… |
Minnesota Agricultural Water Resource Center |
Tile Drainage in Minnesota and Wisconsin: What We Know From Edge-of-Field Monitoring and Practical Management Implications for Farmers | Core Competency (Matrix) | Water Quality Basics | Video |
Discovery Farms Programs in Wisconsin and Minnesota are excited to bring to you a virtual conference series this winter. Join us as we cover… |
Minnesota Agricultural Water Resource Center |
Groundwater Protection Rule and How it Affects Farming and N Management | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Video |
Discovery Farms Programs in Wisconsin and Minnesota are excited to bring to you a virtual conference series this winter. Join us as we cover… |
Minnesota Agricultural Water Resource Center |
Latest Resources on Soil Health | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
Discovery Farms Programs in Wisconsin and Minnesota are excited to bring to you a virtual conference series this winter. Join us as we cover… |
Minnesota Agricultural Water Resource Center |