Not all training takes place in a classroom. We’ve put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics.

Online Learning
This table displays Online Learning opportunities and details.
Training calendar
Title Subject Skill Format Description Source
Saving Great Plains Grasslands: Rangeland Management for Pollinators and Plant Diversity Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Video

Grasslands in the Great Plains, and elsewhere, are rapidly disappearing. Grasslands provide critical habitat for a variety of wildlife, including…


Foundations of Forest Wildlife Habitat Management Lecture Series Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Wildlife Habitat Assessment & Management Webinar

This 5-part focused lecture series introduces the fundamental principles of forest habitat management. The series is taught by Brenda McComb,…


Forests for the Birds: Conserving America's Forest Birds Webinar Series Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Wildlife Habitat Assessment & Management Webinar

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Forest Ecology Working Group, National Conservation Training Center, and Migratory Bird Program developed a…


2022 Tech Talks Webinar

Tech Talks is a online training series organized by the Technical Training and Certification Program. Rotating speakers cover a wide variety…

2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Cover Crop FAQs Soil Health and Management Webinar

The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for…

UMN Extension

2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Weed Management and Herbicide Resistance Pest Management Webinar

The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for…

UMN Extension

2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Biologicals in Corn and Soybean Nutrient Management Practice Specific Webinar

The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for…

UMN Extension

2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Semi Dwarf Corn and SCN Breeding Efforts Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Webinar

The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for…

UMN Extension

Soil Health Management Systems: Using NRCS Practice Standards Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Webinar

Participate in this webinar to learn about the four soil health planning principles and associated practices that help comprise a Soil Health…


Maximizing Your Nitrogen Dollar 2022 Webinar Series: Field Crops Nutrient Management Practice Specific Video

Maximizing Your Nitrogen Fertilizer Dollar is a 4-part webinar series where participants can join academic, extension and grower experts to…


Maximizing Your Nitrogen Dollar 2022 Webinar Series: Horticulture Crops Nutrient Management Practice Specific Webinar

Maximizing Your Nitrogen Fertilizer Dollar is a 4-part webinar series where participants can join academic, extension and grower experts to…


Soil Life in Organic Farming: The Role of Soil Organisms in Soil Health and Resource Conservation Soil Health and Management Video

Join us for this webinar during which soil life in organic agriculture and the role of soil organisms, such as macro-and micro-fauna, including…

USDA NRCS Science and Technology

Establishing Pollinator Habitat on Organic Farms Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Video

This webinar discusses how to establish effective pollinator habitats on farmland, especially when enhancing organic operations. The webinar goes…

Xerces, MOSES, WI Land + Water

Tech Talk: Side Inlet Planning and Design Practice Design Practice Specific Webinar

Join Patrick Schultz and Aaron Peter, TTCP engineers, as they cover planning and design criteria for Side Water Inlets (SWI’s). SWI’s are an…


Maximizing Your Nitrogen Dollar 2022 Webinar Series: Overview – The Science of N, the N Cycle, and Emissions Soil Health and Management Video

Maximizing Your Nitrogen Fertilizer Dollar is a 4-part webinar series where participants can join academic, extension and grower experts to…


Soils as a Service Webinar Series: Know Your Biology Soil Health and Management Webinar

Following Dr. White’s discussion, we’re joined by Drs. Rick and Liz Haney, along with Lance Gunderson, founder of Regen Ag Lab. Over the one-hour…

MyLand Company

2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Climate Factors and Nitrogen Management Nutrient Management Practice Specific Webinar

The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for…

UMN Extension

2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Corn Insects Pest Management Webinar

The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for…

UMN Extension

2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Weather, Economics and Supply Chains Ag & Agronomy Webinar

The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for…

UMN Extension

RIM Wetlands Easement Program Training Easements Funding Request/Applications Webinar


Cover Crop Profitability Soil Health and Management Video

How long does it take for cover crops to become profitable? Join us for next week's Digital Café where Dr. Rob Myers of University of Missouri…

Soil Health Nexus

Soils as a Service Webinar Series: Farming Microbes Soil Health and Management Webinar

For this webinar, we’ll revisit the ability of soil to supply the nutrients plants need to reach their genetic potential. Dr. James White, Rutgers…

MyLand Company

Urban Agriculture 101 - Part 2: Supporting Urban and Innovative Agriculture through Production, Conservation and Risk Management Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Webinar

FPAC agencies implement programs designed to mitigate the significant risks of farming through crop insurance, conservation programs, farm safety…

USDA NRCS Science and Technology

Why "Organic" Matters - Soil Organic Matter, Soil Health and USDA-Certified Organic Farming Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Webinar

Join us as we discuss the history of organic farming in parallel to the history of soil conservation with a focus on soil health and soil organic…

USDA NRCS Science and Technology

Challenges and Opportunities in Organic Urban Agriculture Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Webinar

Join this webinar to learn about production and marketing challenges and opportunities for farming organically in urban environments. Organic…

USDA NRCS Science and Technology

Soil Health Practices and Water Behavior and Efforts to Quantify Soil Function Soil Health and Management Webinar

Soil health is defined in terms of soil function, and some of the most important functions are related to water-holding and water infiltration.…

Soil Health Nexus/UMN MOSH

Climate Adaptation for Forest-Dependent Wildlife Webinar Series Wildlife Habitat Assessment & Management Webinar

This 12-part monthly webinar series will explore forest ecosystems and their composition and structure under a changing climate, and the influence…


Ash Management Overview Forest Ecology and Management Online Course

An overview of the MNDNR's efforts regarding the management of ash dominated stands on state lands in Minnesota in response to Emerald Ash Borer.…


Windbreak Short Course: Day 2 Practice Specific Webinar

A recording of a virtual windbreak short course for Nebraska:

  • Part 1: Ritch Nelson: Using the NRCS Field Office Technical Guide for…

USDA National Agroforestry Center

Windbreak Short Course: Day 1 Practice Specific Webinar

A recording of a virtual windbreak short course for Nebraska:

  • Part 1: Bruce Wight: Wind Protection Needs Past and Present

USDA National Agroforestry Center

Adaptive Silvicultural Experiments in Midwestern Hardwood Forests: Examples from Floodplains and Oak-dominated Uplands Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Forest Ecology and Management Webinar

Join Drs. Miranda Curzon and Marcella Windmuller-Campione as they discuss their work on two Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC)…


Forest Pests and Diseases Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Forest Ecology and Management Reference Material

This University of Minnesota website has links to forest pests and disease descriptions, identification and management options.


Minnesota Forest Health Highlights from 2021 Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Forest Ecology and Management Video

Each year, the Minnesota DNR Forest Health team conducts both aerial assessments and on-the-ground monitoring to assess the health of the state’s…


What’s at risk? Implications of climate change on forests and options for adaptation Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Forest Ecology and Management Video

Climate change is altering forest ecosystems, with many changes expected by the end of the 21st century. Forests vary widely, and not all forests…

US Forest Service

Tech Talk: Prairie Strips Part 2: Addressing Pesticide Risks to Pollinators Pollinators Practice Specific Webinar

Emily May and Karin Jokela from the Xerces Society present on pesticide risks to pollinators in habitat near cropland, including field research on…


Tech Talk: Prairie Strips Part 1: A New Option for Water Quality, Pollinators, and Wildlife Practice Specific Webinar

Jim Fritz (SE ARC, MN NRCS), James Fett (Watershed Technician, Mower SWCD), and Andrea Eger (Regenerative Ag Project Manager, TNC) discuss the…


Soil Chemistry, Nutrient Cycling & Soil Biology (Soil Regen Summit 2021) Soil Health and Management Video

This video will outline and explain the aspects of soil chemistry which sustains agricultural nutrient cycling. Soil biology is the key player in…

Soil Food Web School

Pathogenic Fungi & Plant Pathogens (Soil Regen Summit 2021) Soil Health and Management Video

Dr. Mary Cole joins the Soil Food Web School Team to talk about Pathogenic Fungi & Plant Pathogens, problems of our making, not theirs! Fungi…

Soil Food Web School

Biomimicry: Emulating Nature & Improving Soil Function (Soil Regen Summit 2021) Soil Health and Management Video

During Soil Regen Summit 2021: Hope for the Future, Ray Archuleta explained that regenerative cropping and grazing systems that emulate nature’s…

Soil Food Web School

What is the Soil Food Web? (Soil Regen Summit 2021) Soil Health and Management Video

Dr. Elaine Ingham and her colleagues discovered the Soil Food Web nearly 4 decades ago. She has been pioneering research on soil health ever since…

Soil Food Web School

Basic Soils Training Module 4: Soils in Conservation Planning Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soils and Soil Survey Basics Video

This module provides examples of how to use soils data in the conservation planning process. The presentation starts with Josh Odekirk, SE Area…


Basic Soils Training Module 3: Web Soil Survey and other Resources for Accessing Soils Data Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soils and Soil Survey Basics Video

This module provides a demonstration of the capabilities of Web Soil Survey and other tools for accessing soil survey data. Andrew Paolucci, NRCS…


Basic Soils Training Module 2: Soil Survey Map Unit Design Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soils and Soil Survey Basics Video

This module provides an overview of soil survey map units. Jeremy Ziegler, SE Wisconsin NRCS Area Resource Soil Scientist, provides an…


Basic Soils Training Module 1: Soil Properties and Interpretations Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soils and Soil Survey Basics Video

This module provides an introduction to soil properties and interpretations. Jennifer Smith, WI NRCS State Soil Scientist, starts the presentation…


Prairie Strips Winter Webinar Series #3 Practice Specific Video

Prairie Strips: A New Conservation Practice for Farmers and Crop Consultants. Session 3 will cover prairie strips as habitat for beneficial…

Sand County Foundation

Prairie Strips Winter Webinar Series #2 Practice Specific Video

Prairie Strips: A New Conservation Practice for Farmers and Crop Consultants. Session 2 will cover establishing and managing prairie strips.

Sand County Foundation

Prairie Strips Winter Webinar Series #1 Practice Specific Video

Prairie Strips: A New Conservation Practice for Farmers and Crop Consultants. Session 1 will cover siting prairie strips for water quality and…

Sand County Foundation

Soil Erosion: WEPS Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Erosion Prediction Models Online Course

This course provides and overview of the Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS), and instructions on how to use the WEPS model to estimate wind…


Soil Erosion: RUSLE2 Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Erosion Prediction Models Online Course

This course provides an overview of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), and instructions on how to use the RUSLE2 model to estimate…


Forest Management Guidelines Training Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Forestry Basics and Practices Online Course

This is an updated version of the training that utilizes YouTube videos and a quiz based format. You will need a copy of the Minnesota’s Forest…

Minnesota Logger Education Program, DNR