Not all training takes place in a classroom. We’ve put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics.
Title | Subject | Skill | Format | Description | Source |
Saving Great Plains Grasslands: Rangeland Management for Pollinators and Plant Diversity | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Video |
Grasslands in the Great Plains, and elsewhere, are rapidly disappearing. Grasslands provide critical habitat for a variety of wildlife, including… |
Xerces |
Foundations of Forest Wildlife Habitat Management Lecture Series | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Wildlife Habitat Assessment & Management | Webinar |
This 5-part focused lecture series introduces the fundamental principles of forest habitat management. The series is taught by Brenda McComb,… |
Forests for the Birds: Conserving America's Forest Birds Webinar Series | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Wildlife Habitat Assessment & Management | Webinar |
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Forest Ecology Working Group, National Conservation Training Center, and Migratory Bird Program developed a… |
2022 Tech Talks | Webinar |
Tech Talks is a online training series organized by the Technical Training and Certification Program. Rotating speakers cover a wide variety… |
2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Cover Crop FAQs | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for… |
UMN Extension |
2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Weed Management and Herbicide Resistance | Pest Management | Webinar |
The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for… |
UMN Extension |
2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Biologicals in Corn and Soybean | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Webinar |
The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for… |
UMN Extension |
2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Semi Dwarf Corn and SCN Breeding Efforts | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Ag & Agronomy | Webinar |
The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for… |
UMN Extension |
Soil Health Management Systems: Using NRCS Practice Standards | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
Participate in this webinar to learn about the four soil health planning principles and associated practices that help comprise a Soil Health… |
Maximizing Your Nitrogen Dollar 2022 Webinar Series: Field Crops | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Video |
Maximizing Your Nitrogen Fertilizer Dollar is a 4-part webinar series where participants can join academic, extension and grower experts to… |
Maximizing Your Nitrogen Dollar 2022 Webinar Series: Horticulture Crops | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Maximizing Your Nitrogen Fertilizer Dollar is a 4-part webinar series where participants can join academic, extension and grower experts to… |
Soil Life in Organic Farming: The Role of Soil Organisms in Soil Health and Resource Conservation | Soil Health and Management | Video |
Join us for this webinar during which soil life in organic agriculture and the role of soil organisms, such as macro-and micro-fauna, including… |
USDA NRCS Science and Technology |
Establishing Pollinator Habitat on Organic Farms | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Video |
This webinar discusses how to establish effective pollinator habitats on farmland, especially when enhancing organic operations. The webinar goes… |
Xerces, MOSES, WI Land + Water |
Tech Talk: Side Inlet Planning and Design | Practice Design | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Join Patrick Schultz and Aaron Peter, TTCP engineers, as they cover planning and design criteria for Side Water Inlets (SWI’s). SWI’s are an… |
Maximizing Your Nitrogen Dollar 2022 Webinar Series: Overview – The Science of N, the N Cycle, and Emissions | Soil Health and Management | Video |
Maximizing Your Nitrogen Fertilizer Dollar is a 4-part webinar series where participants can join academic, extension and grower experts to… |
Soils as a Service Webinar Series: Know Your Biology | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
Following Dr. White’s discussion, we’re joined by Drs. Rick and Liz Haney, along with Lance Gunderson, founder of Regen Ag Lab. Over the one-hour… |
MyLand Company |
2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Climate Factors and Nitrogen Management | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Webinar |
The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for… |
UMN Extension |
2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Corn Insects | Pest Management | Webinar |
The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for… |
UMN Extension |
2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Weather, Economics and Supply Chains | Ag & Agronomy | Webinar |
The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for… |
UMN Extension |
RIM Wetlands Easement Program Training | Easements | Funding Request/Applications | Webinar |
… |
Cover Crop Profitability | Soil Health and Management | Video |
How long does it take for cover crops to become profitable? Join us for next week's Digital Café where Dr. Rob Myers of University of Missouri… |
Soil Health Nexus |
Soils as a Service Webinar Series: Farming Microbes | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
For this webinar, we’ll revisit the ability of soil to supply the nutrients plants need to reach their genetic potential. Dr. James White, Rutgers… |
MyLand Company |
Urban Agriculture 101 - Part 2: Supporting Urban and Innovative Agriculture through Production, Conservation and Risk Management | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Ag & Agronomy | Webinar |
FPAC agencies implement programs designed to mitigate the significant risks of farming through crop insurance, conservation programs, farm safety… |
USDA NRCS Science and Technology |
Why "Organic" Matters - Soil Organic Matter, Soil Health and USDA-Certified Organic Farming | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
Join us as we discuss the history of organic farming in parallel to the history of soil conservation with a focus on soil health and soil organic… |
USDA NRCS Science and Technology |
Challenges and Opportunities in Organic Urban Agriculture | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Ag & Agronomy | Webinar |
Join this webinar to learn about production and marketing challenges and opportunities for farming organically in urban environments. Organic… |
USDA NRCS Science and Technology |
Soil Health Practices and Water Behavior and Efforts to Quantify Soil Function | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
Soil health is defined in terms of soil function, and some of the most important functions are related to water-holding and water infiltration.… |
Soil Health Nexus/UMN MOSH |
Climate Adaptation for Forest-Dependent Wildlife Webinar Series | Wildlife Habitat Assessment & Management | Webinar |
This 12-part monthly webinar series will explore forest ecosystems and their composition and structure under a changing climate, and the influence… |
Ash Management Overview | Forest Ecology and Management | Online Course |
An overview of the MNDNR's efforts regarding the management of ash dominated stands on state lands in Minnesota in response to Emerald Ash Borer.… |
Windbreak Short Course: Day 2 | Practice Specific | Webinar |
A recording of a virtual windbreak short course for Nebraska:
USDA National Agroforestry Center |
Windbreak Short Course: Day 1 | Practice Specific | Webinar |
A recording of a virtual windbreak short course for Nebraska:
USDA National Agroforestry Center |
Adaptive Silvicultural Experiments in Midwestern Hardwood Forests: Examples from Floodplains and Oak-dominated Uplands | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Forest Ecology and Management | Webinar |
Join Drs. Miranda Curzon and Marcella Windmuller-Campione as they discuss their work on two Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC)… |
Forest Pests and Diseases | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Forest Ecology and Management | Reference Material |
This University of Minnesota website has links to forest pests and disease descriptions, identification and management options. |
Minnesota Forest Health Highlights from 2021 | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Forest Ecology and Management | Video |
Each year, the Minnesota DNR Forest Health team conducts both aerial assessments and on-the-ground monitoring to assess the health of the state’s… |
What’s at risk? Implications of climate change on forests and options for adaptation | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Forest Ecology and Management | Video |
Climate change is altering forest ecosystems, with many changes expected by the end of the 21st century. Forests vary widely, and not all forests… |
US Forest Service |
Tech Talk: Prairie Strips Part 2: Addressing Pesticide Risks to Pollinators | Pollinators | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Emily May and Karin Jokela from the Xerces Society present on pesticide risks to pollinators in habitat near cropland, including field research on… |
Tech Talk: Prairie Strips Part 1: A New Option for Water Quality, Pollinators, and Wildlife | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Jim Fritz (SE ARC, MN NRCS), James Fett (Watershed Technician, Mower SWCD), and Andrea Eger (Regenerative Ag Project Manager, TNC) discuss the… |
Soil Chemistry, Nutrient Cycling & Soil Biology (Soil Regen Summit 2021) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
This video will outline and explain the aspects of soil chemistry which sustains agricultural nutrient cycling. Soil biology is the key player in… |
Soil Food Web School |
Pathogenic Fungi & Plant Pathogens (Soil Regen Summit 2021) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
Dr. Mary Cole joins the Soil Food Web School Team to talk about Pathogenic Fungi & Plant Pathogens, problems of our making, not theirs! Fungi… |
Soil Food Web School |
Biomimicry: Emulating Nature & Improving Soil Function (Soil Regen Summit 2021) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
During Soil Regen Summit 2021: Hope for the Future, Ray Archuleta explained that regenerative cropping and grazing systems that emulate nature’s… |
Soil Food Web School |
What is the Soil Food Web? (Soil Regen Summit 2021) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
Dr. Elaine Ingham and her colleagues discovered the Soil Food Web nearly 4 decades ago. She has been pioneering research on soil health ever since… |
Soil Food Web School |
Basic Soils Training Module 4: Soils in Conservation Planning | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soils and Soil Survey Basics | Video |
This module provides examples of how to use soils data in the conservation planning process. The presentation starts with Josh Odekirk, SE Area… |
Basic Soils Training Module 3: Web Soil Survey and other Resources for Accessing Soils Data | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soils and Soil Survey Basics | Video |
This module provides a demonstration of the capabilities of Web Soil Survey and other tools for accessing soil survey data. Andrew Paolucci, NRCS… |
Basic Soils Training Module 2: Soil Survey Map Unit Design | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soils and Soil Survey Basics | Video |
This module provides an overview of soil survey map units. Jeremy Ziegler, SE Wisconsin NRCS Area Resource Soil Scientist, provides an… |
Basic Soils Training Module 1: Soil Properties and Interpretations | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soils and Soil Survey Basics | Video |
This module provides an introduction to soil properties and interpretations. Jennifer Smith, WI NRCS State Soil Scientist, starts the presentation… |
Prairie Strips Winter Webinar Series #3 | Practice Specific | Video |
Prairie Strips: A New Conservation Practice for Farmers and Crop Consultants. Session 3 will cover prairie strips as habitat for beneficial… |
Sand County Foundation |
Prairie Strips Winter Webinar Series #2 | Practice Specific | Video |
Prairie Strips: A New Conservation Practice for Farmers and Crop Consultants. Session 2 will cover establishing and managing prairie strips. |
Sand County Foundation |
Prairie Strips Winter Webinar Series #1 | Practice Specific | Video |
Prairie Strips: A New Conservation Practice for Farmers and Crop Consultants. Session 1 will cover siting prairie strips for water quality and… |
Sand County Foundation |
Soil Erosion: WEPS | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Erosion Prediction Models | Online Course |
This course provides and overview of the Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS), and instructions on how to use the WEPS model to estimate wind… |
Soil Erosion: RUSLE2 | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Erosion Prediction Models | Online Course |
This course provides an overview of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), and instructions on how to use the RUSLE2 model to estimate… |
Forest Management Guidelines Training | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Forestry Basics and Practices | Online Course |
This is an updated version of the training that utilizes YouTube videos and a quiz based format. You will need a copy of the Minnesota’s Forest… |
Minnesota Logger Education Program, DNR |