Not all training takes place in a classroom. We’ve put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics.

Online Learning
This table displays Online Learning opportunities and details.
Training calendar
Title Subject Skill Format Description Source
2023 Tech Talks Webinar

Tech Talks is a online training series organized by the Technical Training and Certification Program. Rotating speakers cover a wide variety…


Kernza, Multipurpose Perennial Cover Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Webinar

Kernza is a perennial grass that can be used as a source of grain and for livestock forage. This session covers several aspects of Kernza…


History of Minnesota Forests Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Forestry Basics and Practices Webinar

Duane Fogard, ABC Forester, provides an introduction to forest ecology and the history of forests in Minnesota.


Tech Talk: Annual Forages for Grazing Systems (CPS 810) Practice Specific Webinar

This Tech Talk provides an overview of the interim CPS 810 Annual Forages for Grazing Systems Conservation Practice Standard, Implementation…


Tech Talk: Amending Soil Properties with Lime Practice Specific Webinar

Ryan Buetow, NRCS State Agronomist, discusses the foundation of soil management and all the impacts that pH has on crop growth, nutrient…


Tech Talk: Controlled Traffic Farming, Conservation Harvest, Field Operations Emissions Reduction Practice Specific Webinar

Ryan Buetow, NRCS State Agronomist, discusses the new practices Controlled Traffic Farming (CPS 334), Conservation Harvest (CPS 809), and Field…


Macro Enabled CPA-52 Form Conservation Planning Webinar

John Crellin, NRCS Area Resource Conservationist, covers the April, 2023 version of CPA-52 form including the updates to the form and live…


Tech Talk: Audubon Conservation Ranching Program Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Managed Grazing Systems Webinar

The Audubon Conservation Ranching (ACR) program is a collaborative effort between farmers, ranchers, and Audubon to address the decline of…


Advanced Nitrogen Smart Nutrient Management Online Course

A deep dive into the 4Rs starts where the original Nitrogen Smart ends with a detailed discussion on N rate, the contributions from soil and the…


Nitrogen Smart: Manure Management Nutrient Management Online Course

Livestock manures have been used as a crop fertilizer source for thousands of years. It continues to be a valuable source of crop nutrients, even…


RIM-Riparian and Floodplain Restoration Training Easements Funding Request/Applications Webinar


Basic Cover Crop Training - Webinar #4 Practice Specific Webinar

2023 Webinar replay - Session 4 covers the topics of cover crop seeding and termination methods as well as economics of cover crops.


Basic Cover Crop Training - Webinar #3 Practice Specific Webinar

2023 Webinar Replay - Session 3 covers seed mix design, the seed calculator, calculating PLS and bulk seed as well as MN seed tag law.


Basic Cover Crop Training - Webinar #2 Practice Specific Webinar

2023 Webinar Replay - Session 2 covers the practice standard, Implementation Requirements worksheet, Agronomy Technical Note 33 and Cover Crop…


Basic Cover Crop Training - Webinar #1 Practice Specific Webinar

2023 Webinar Replay - Session 1 discusses cover crop strategies, resource concerns that can be treated with cover crops, benefits of cover crops…


Practical Conservation Tillage for Organic Cropping Systems Soil Health and Management Webinar

The National Organic Standards require certified organic producers to implement tillage and cultivation practices that “maintain or improve the…

USDA NRCS Science and Technology

Split Applying Nitrogen for Corn: 3 Tips for Sidedress Applications Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Video

Extension educator Brad Carlson discusses split-applying nitrogen for corn and offers 3 tips for sidedress applications.

UMN Extension

Tech Talk: Livestock Forage Balance Worksheet Practice Design Managed Grazing Systems Webinar

In this Tech Talk Jeff Duchene, NRCS State Grazing Specialist, provides an overview of the Livestock Forage Balance Sheet available in Section IV…


Tech Talk Replay: Wildlife Habitat Planting (CPS 420) Wildlife Practice Specific Webinar

Jeff Kalin, NRCS Wildlife Biologist, and Karin Jokela, Xerces Society Pollinator Planner and Partner Biologist, for an overview the new Wildlife…


Tech Talk: Economics of Soil Loss Conservation Planning Webinar

This Tech Talk highlights the economic and social implications of soil loss. From a farm level economic perspective, soil is an important input in…


Organic Soil Health Practices for Water Management and Water Quality Soil Health and Management Webinar

Farmers must manage water resources to provide sufficient yet not excessive moisture to their crops, and to protect surface and groundwater from…

USDA-NRCS Conservation Webinars

Managing Weeds in Organic Corn and Soybeans Pest Management Video

Charlie Johnson explains how he controls weeds in corn and soybean crops without the use of pesticides on his organic farm in Madison, S.D.…


Ecological Weed Management at the Johnson Farms Pest Management Video

Charlie Johnson shares how he and his family control weeds on 1,600 acres of organic corn and soybeans in Madison S.D using ecological strategies…


A Buried Bond: The Connection Between Healthy Soils and Healthy Communities Soil Health and Management Video

We use soils to provide 98.8% of our food, but the bonds between soil health and human health extend far beyond what fills our plate. The science…

North Central Region Water Network

Selecting Your Next Tree: Where Should It Come From Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Forestry Basics and Practices Webinar

Planting seedlings is an essential part of any reforestation plan but where should your seedlings come from? Concerns about survival, growth and…


The Role of Plant Genetics in Soil Health: Selecting Crop Cultivars for Organic Production Soil Health and Management Webinar

Organic farmers need crop cultivars that perform well in organic production systems, and several farmer-participatory plant breeding networks are…

Conservation Webinars

The Top 10 Impacts of Cover Crops on Soil Health Soil Health and Management Video

This Digital Café features Dr. Rob Myers, Director of the University of Missouri Center for Regenerative Agriculture and also Regional Director of…

Soil Health Nexus

Organic Training Series Session 3: Organic Regulations and Opportunities for NRCS Support Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Webinar

This training series is intended to provide an introduction to organic systems, including basic principles of organic production; the organic…


Cover Cropping for Soil Health and Fertility in Organic Systems Practice Specific Webinar

Organic farmers rely on cover crops to provide soil fertility, crop nutrition, weed suppression, and mitigation of other pest problems in a…

Conservation Webinars

RIM Easement Title Insurance Training Webinar Easements Funding Request/Applications Webinar

This is a recording of the RIM easement title insurance training webinar session from 11/18/2020.


Tech Talk: HY-8 Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Hydraulics Webinar

Elizabeth Oolman, NRCS H&H Engineer, discuss everything culverts. This session covers culvert basics, how to design a culvert using a…


RIM Integrating Clean Water and Habitat (1W1P) Easement Program Training Easements Funding Request/Applications Webinar

This is a recording of the RIM Integrating Clean Water and Habitat (1W1P) easement program webinar training session from 1/25/2023. Training for…


MinnFARM Training Livestock Online Course

MinnFARM is a computer model, built in Excel, used to estimate runoff potential from open feedlots. It provides a compliance indicator (a simple "…

UMN Extension

2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Tar Spot of Corn Pest Management Webinar

The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for…

UMN Extension

2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk New and Old Soybean Insect Pests Pest Management Webinar

The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for…

UMN Extension

2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Getting Your Planter Ready Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy

The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for…

UMN Extension

2023 Strategic Farming Webinar Series: Let's Talk Alfalfa Weevil and Other Management Challenges Pest Management Webinar

The Strategic Farming webinar series will provide up to date, research based information to help you optimize your crop management strategies for…

UMN Extension

Organic Training Series Session 2: Organic Certification Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Webinar

This training series is intended to provide an introduction to organic systems, including basic principles of organic production; the organic…


Strengthening Organic Agriculture: Research Updates from The Organic Center Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Webinar

Join us for this webinar during which we will discuss how The Organic Center facilitates research. Recent findings and future priority areas will…

NRCS Conservation Webinars

Tech Talk: Native Vegetation Guidelines and BWSR Programs: Decision Making for Successful Projects Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

This Tech Talk highlights the revisions to the Native Vegetation Establishment and Enhancement Guidelines including:
•    A…


Silvopasture - What It Is and What It Is Not Agroforestry Webinar

Join us as we introduce Conservation Practice Standard 381, Silvopasture, and how is it used by NRCS. Experts will describe in detail what is…

NRCS Science and Technology

Organic Training Series Session 1: Introduction to Organic Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Ag & Agronomy Webinar

This training series is intended to provide an introduction to organic systems, including basic principles of organic production; the organic…


Beating the Weeds Without Herbicides: Soil-Friendly Organic Weed Management Practice Specific Webinar

Join us for this webinar during which we will discuss weed management in organic agriculture and highlight soil friendly approaches to help…

USDA NRCS Science & Technology

Prairies and Landscape Change: Notes from the Underground Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Soil Health and Management Webinar

Restoring prairie from cropland has well-known benefits to soil health – at least to the soil directly underneath the prairie.  How might…

Soil Health Nexus

Growing Hope: Practical Tools for our Changing Climate Practice Specific

This is a replay of NCAT’s third annual national conference. This free virtual convening will feature renowned speakers and showcase farm stories…


Biological Nutrient Management: Best Organic Practices for Soil Fertility and Resource Stewardship Nutrient Management Practice Specific Webinar

Join us for this webinar during which we will discuss biological nutrient management in organic agriculture using a resource-conserving approach…

USDA NRCS Science and Technology

Maximizing Your Nitrogen Dollar 2022 Webinar Series: Livestock and Manure Nutrient Management Practice Specific Video

Maximizing Your Nitrogen Fertilizer Dollar is a 4-part webinar series where participants can join academic, extension and grower experts to…


Forest Ecology and Management Webinar Series Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) Forest Ecology and Management Webinar

This webinar series was developed by the Forest Ecology Working Group to increase the understanding and integration of forest ecology, applied…


Pollinator and Beneficial Insect Habitat: Small Urban Farms and Community Spaces Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

Urban landscapes are diverse and can provide unique habitat opportunities for pollinators and other beneficial invertebrates. However, habitat…


Pollinators in the Woods? The Place of Wild Bees in a Changing Forested Landscape Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators Webinar

Come join Kass Urban-Mead, Xerces Pollinator Conservation Specialist, NRCS Partner Biologist, for an adventure exploring how wild bees use the…
