Not all training takes place in a classroom. We’ve put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics.
Title | Subject | Skill | Format | Description | Source |
The Forest for the Bees | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Wildlife Habitat Assessment & Management | Webinar |
Bees are incredibly diverse and provide important ecological services such as pollination. However, baseline information such as faunistic surveys… |
Sustainable Forest Education Cooperative |
Adaptive Silvicultural Experiments in Midwestern Hardwood Forests: Examples from Floodplains and Oak-dominated Uplands | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Forest Ecology and Management | Webinar |
Join Drs. Miranda Curzon and Marcella Windmuller-Campione as they discuss their work on two Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC)… |
Sustainable Forest Education Cooperative |
A Forest Optimization Tool for Modeling, Mapping, and Managing in Minnesota | Advanced Tech Skills (Matrix) | Forest Ecology and Management | Webinar |
A changing climate, changes in Minnesota’s forest products industry and increasing pressure for ecosystem service have and will continue to create… |
Sustainable Forest Education Cooperative |
Work on Golden-Winged Warblers and Other Early Successional Birds | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Wildlife Habitat Assessment & Management | Webinar |
Minnesota’s forests provide critical breeding habitat for hundreds of resident and migrating bird species. Forest management provides an important… |
Sustainable Forest Education Cooperative |
Top 3 Tips for Cover Crop Termination | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Meaghan Anderson, Field Agronomist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, shares the top 3 considerations for terminating cover crops… |
Creating and Maintaining Biodiversity in Organic Perennial Systems | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Ag & Agronomy | Webinar |
Organic producers of perennial crops are required to introduce biodiversity in lieu of a crop rotation. This webinar will cover examples of… |
Tech Talk: Well Decommissioning | Practice Design | Practice Specific | Webinar |
In this session Patrick Schultz, TTCP Engineer, provides an overview of topics related to the CPS 351 Well Decommissioning. There is also a… |
Winter Manure Application and Water Quality | Nutrient Management | Practice Specific | Webinar |
While winter manure application can be beneficial for producers from a logistical, financial, and soil compaction standpoint, it has traditionally… |
North Central Region Water Network |
Communicating Conservation to Landowners | Core Competency (Matrix) | Conservation Planning | Webinar |
What makes a natural resource and water professional a great communicator? What can we learn from researchers and fellow practitioners to enhance… |
North Central Region Water Network |
Source Water Protection | Water Quality | Webinar |
We all deserve to have safe clean drinking water that we can trust. In order to do that, we need to ensure we are protecting water at the source… |
North Central Region Water Network |
Soil Health's Link to Water Quality | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
The agronomic benefits of improving soil health are well known, but when it comes to the specific impacts on water quality off field, many… |
North Central Region Water Network |
Water Management During Drought | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Drought is continuing to intensify across portions of the Midwest this year, and over the past several years severe drought has plagued much of… |
North Central Region Water Network |
Soil Health Dos and Don'ts | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
Join us for this webinar during which soil health techniques such as cover crops, crop rotations, pest management, nutrient management, cash crop… |
NRCS and Streambank Soil Bio-engineering | Practice Specific | Webinar |
The subject presentation will provide an overview of the use of stream bank soil bio-engineering practice used as part of NRCS conservation work.… |
Best Management Practices for Drill- Interseeding Cover Crops into Corn | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Participants will learn how management practices and environmental conditions impact the performance of cover crops that are drill-interseeded… |
Evaluating Air Quality Resource Concerns | Core Competency (Matrix) | Conservation Planning | Webinar |
During this webinar, air quality resource concerns and resource concern components will be highlighted. The NRCS air quality resource concerns can… |
How to Interrogate the Soil | Soil | Soils and Soil Survey Basics | Video |
Join us to hear Tony Hartshorn, Associate Professor at Montana State University. Dr. Hartshorn will discuss his work in the Soil Interrogation Lab… |
Soil Health Nexus |
WASCOB Field Training Webinar | Practice Layout | Practice Specific | Webinar |
This session covers how to prepare for and complete the I&E step, and some basics of construction inspection. There's also a quick… |
RIM Easement Application Training | Easements | Funding Request/Applications | Webinar |
… |
Tech Talk: Introduction to Managed Grazing Systems | Livestock | Managed Grazing Systems | Webinar |
During this session Dean Thomas, Fillmore SWCD, discusses the basic grazing management principles, benefits of prescribed grazing, and… |
Tech Talk: Livestock Pipeline Design | Livestock | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Join Amanda Deans, TTCP Engineer, as she runs through a real life pipeline design using the MN NRCS Livestock Pipeline spreadsheet. |
Tech Talk: Groundwater Resource Concerns | Water Quality | Conservation Planning | Webinar |
Tim Weisbrod, NRCS Geologist for MN and WI, discusses why the four Nutrient Management (590) Groundwater Resource Concerns need to be inventoried… |
Tech Talk: Tile Flow Design Using CPS 606/620 | Practice Design | Practice Specific | Webinar |
These supporting practices are only a small part of the designs for waterways, WASCOBs, and other main practices. Fundamentals for following… |
Tech Talk: Basic Irrigation | Practice Design | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Brian Ebel, NRCS Water Resource Engineer, discusses the basic concepts of irrigation. This introduction to irrigation will include:
Streambank Protection Planning Training | Practice Design | Practice Specific | Webinar |
This training covered the planning phase of streambank erosion projects to better equip staff to visit with landowners when asked about this type… |
Tech Talk: Grassed Waterway Spreadsheet | Practice Design | Practice Specific | Webinar |
The MN NRCS’s grassed waterway design spreadsheet uses the same methodology as the EFT waterway program and is an acceptable design tool. In this… |
Improving Restorations | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Webinar |
Wondering how to get the most out of your next ecological restoration project? Extension and the Legacy Fund Restoration Evaluation Program are… |
UMN Extension |
CPS 595 Integrated Pest Management Implementation Requirements Demonstration | Practice Design | Practice Specific | Webinar |
Adam Reed, Regional Agronomist with NRCS, demonstrates the use of the Integrated Pest Management Implementation Requirements worksheet. The… |
A World Without Soil | Soil Health and Management | Video |
Participants in this session will learn why soil is an essential part of the Earth’s ability to feed the world's population and it is key to… |
USDA NRCS Soil Health Division |
Tech Talk: Early Successional Habitat Management for Wildlife | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Wildlife Habitat Assessment & Management | Webinar |
Jacob Granfors, Pheasants Forever Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist, and Garett Christiansen, NRCS Forester, discuss open landscapes, early… |
2022 Wisconsin Cover Crops Conference - Ecosystem Services and Carbon Markets | Soil Health and Management | Video |
This session provides a comprehensive overview of things farmers should know and consider when navigating the rapidly evolving space of carbon and… |
WI NRCS & UW-Madison |
2022 Wisconsin Cover Crops Conference - Creating Opportunities for In-Season Manure | Soil Health and Management | Video |
In Wisconsin, we’re fortunate to have manure as a natural fertilizer. A panel of farmers discuss their experiences (the how) on maximizing the… |
WI NRCS & UW-Madison |
2022 Wisconsin Cover Crops Conference - Adaptive Rye Management | Soil Health and Management | Video |
During this session, our panel of experienced farmers walks through how planting rye fits into their system and the importance of adaptive rye… |
WI NRCS & UW-Madison |
2022 Wisconsin Cover Crops Conference - Planting Green | Soil Health and Management | Video |
Systematic approaches to establishing covers, planter setups, termination techniques, agronomic concerns when converting from conventional tillage… |
WI NRCS & UW-Madison |
Cropland In-Field Soil Health Assessment Training | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
This training is designed to provide an introduction to the Cropland In-Field Soil Health Assessment, a tool for inventorying soils and… |
Tech Talk: Forage Harvest Management (CPS 511) | Livestock | Practice Specific | Webinar |
In this Tech Talk Jeff Duchene (NRCS Grazing Specialist, NW Area) and Morgan Kauth (NRCS Grazing Specialist, SW Area) discuss an overview of… |
Strategic Farming: Taming your fertility and weed management input costs | Nutrient Management | Ag & Agronomy | Webinar |
Join our nutrient management and weed management specialists in this final webinar of the series. We will look ahead to 2022 and discuss how to… |
UMN Extension |
Tech Talk: Drought Planning for Pasture and Forage Management | Livestock | Managed Grazing Systems | Webinar |
During this session Eric Mousel, UMN Extension, focuses on the impact of the 2021 drought on pasture and forage production in 2022. Eric will… |
Long-term Effect of Cover Crops on Soil Health Crop Yield | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
Tune into this Digital Cafe to hear from Dr. Inderjot Chahal with the School of Environmental Studies at the University of Guelph. Dr. Chalal will… |
Soil Health Nexus |
Using Legumes to Supply Crop Nitrogen While Also Reaping Benefits for Soil Health | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
Join to learn how to reduce nitrogen need by incorporating legumes into your rotation. Using leguminous cover crops provides multiple below ground… |
USDA NRCS Soil Health Division |
Effective Cover Cropping - Maximizing Benefits, Minimizing Risk | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
Bringing forward information and data from several years and data from assorted research locations, Dr. Gruver discusses both gains and hurdles in… |
USDA NRCS Science and Technology |
Prairie Strips & Conservation Programs | Planning | Webinar |
Paul Mugge and Tim Youngquist come together to share their passion for integrating conservation practices into their family farms through prairie… |
Practical Farmers of Iowa |
Strategic Farming: Let's talk drought effects on insect pest pressure | Pest Management | Webinar |
Drought effects on insect pest pressure: What might 2022 look like? Join Dr. Ian MacRae, Extension entomologist, and Bruce Potter, Extension IPM… |
UMN Extension |
Strategic Farming: Let's talk small grains | Crops | Ag & Agronomy | Webinar |
Small grains management update. Join Dr. Jochum Wiersma, Extension small grains specialist, when we address production agronomics, variety… |
UMN Extension |
Strategic Farming: Let's talk tar spot of corn | Pest Management | Webinar |
Tar spot of corn: Status and options for this rising issue. Join Drs. Dean Malvick, Extension plant pathologist, and Nathan Kleczewski, plant… |
UMN Extension |
8th Annual Nitrogen: Minnesota’s Grand Challenge and Compelling Opportunity Conference (2022) | Nutrient Management | Video |
Learn about the latest nitrogen management research including: N and irrigation mgmt, N mgmt on drained/undrained soils, reducing nitrous oxide… |
MAWRC, U of M Extension, MN Department of Agriculture |
14th Annual Nutrient Management Conference (2022) | Nutrient Management | Video |
Learn about the latest nitrogen management research including: timing of P application, managing fertilizer inputs for optimal profit/risks, 4R… |
MAWRC, U of M Extension, MN Department of Agriculture |
Tech Talk: Pasture and Hay Planting - Species Selection | Livestock | Practice Specific | Webinar |
During this session Jeff Duchene, NRCS Grazing Specialist, covers:
Tech Talk: Pasture and Hay Planting - Practice Standard | Livestock | Practice Specific | Webinar |
During this session Jeff Duchene, NRCS Grazing Specialist, discusses:
Tech Talk: Tree and Shrub Site Preparation (CPS 490) | Practice Specific | Webinar |
This Tech Talk is about tree/shrub site preparation (CPS 490) and tree/shrub planting methods. This session includes a discussion of planning… |