Not all training takes place in a classroom. We’ve put together a searchable library of recorded modules, webinars, videos and other resources to help our staff and partners find professional development information on a variety of topics.
Title | Subject | Skill | Format | Description | Source |
Hydric Soils Training Modules | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Wetland Soils | Webinar |
The National Association of Wetland Managers has developed an online training series focused on hydric soils for wetland professionals. This… |
Integrated Erosion Tool | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Erosion Prediction Models | Video |
A series of videos providing an introduction to the Integrated Erosion Tool (IET) from the… |
Matching Appropriate Seed to Conservation Practices | Vegetation | Vegetation – Species, Seeding and Seed Mixes | Webinar |
(Time: 1:00) Learn about ecotypes and ecological restoration planning tools for greater long term conservation planting success. |
Native Warm Season Grass Drill Calibration | Vegetation | Vegetation – Species, Seeding and Seed Mixes | Video |
(Time:16:27) Jake Watson, USDA NRCS and Michael McCord discuss how to calibrate a drill for Native Warm Season Grasses. |
How to set your grass drill for native grass seed | Vegetation | Vegetation – Species, Seeding and Seed Mixes | Video |
(Time: 6:17) This video demonstrates the basics of drill seeding native grass seed. Topics covered: differences in a native seed drill and a… |
Bamert Seed |
Warm Season Grasses (1 of 5) “Site Preparation” | Vegetation | Vegetation – Species, Seeding and Seed Mixes | Video |
(Time: 5:21) Step 1 of 5 on planting and managing native warm season grasses. |
Missouri Conservation Department |
Preparing Land for Seeding Native Grasses & Plants | Vegetation | Vegetation – Species, Seeding and Seed Mixes | Video |
(Time: 1:37) Preparing the seedbed correctly will increase the likelihood of seed germination and a successful planting.… |
Texas A&M Extension |
Seedbed Preparation – USDANRCS Texas | Vegetation | Vegetation – Species, Seeding and Seed Mixes | Video |
(Time: 6:17) This video depicts the importance of proper seedbed preparation and describes steps in preparing a proper… |
Herbaceous Vegetation Practices | Vegetation | Vegetation – Species, Seeding and Seed Mixes | Online Course |
(Time: 32:00) This training is an introduction to NRCS practice standards that establish herbaceous vegetation to treat resource concerns.… |
MN NRCS Soil Health Training Resources | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Reference Material |
(Time will vary) This is a set of 30+ soil health related training resources that is maintained by MN NRCS. |
Keep Cattle in Minnesota Project | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Managed Grazing Systems | Video |
(Time: 1:27:49) This video is produced by the Sustainable Farming Association and the Keep Cattle in Minnesota Program. The mission of this… |
NRCS and The Pasture Project |
Disturbance, Grazing and Economics | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
(Time: 1:48) Disturbance, Grazing and Economics (3/3) webinars are prerequisites for the Minnesota Soil Health Field Day and Minnesota Soil… |
Nutrients, Soil Biology and Diversity in Agroecosystems | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
(Time: 1:55) Nutrients, Soil Biology and Diversity in Agroecosystems (2/3) webinars are prerequisites for the Minnesota Soil Health Field Day and… |
Introduction to Soil Health | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
(Time: 1:50) Introduction to soil health (1/3) webinars are prerequisites for the Minnesota Soil Health Field Day and Minnesota Soil Health… |
Understanding Soil Quality Impacts on Soil Functions and Other Resource Concerns | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
(Time: 1:18) Participants learn about nutrient management and healthy soils, and the resulting effects on water quality through a study… |
Ohio State University Extension |
Unlock the Secrets in the Soil | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
A series of 41 videos, mostly under five minutes each that discuss various soil health topics and applications of soil health principles. … |
Core NRCS Conservation Practices for Enhancing Soil Health | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
(Time: 1:10) This webinar focuses on how several core NRCS conservation practices can be used by farmers to improve soil health, linking them… |
Soil Quality - the Foundation for Resource Management | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
(Time: 1:55) Participants in the webinar learn about Natural Resources Conservation Service conservation planning principles to improve soil… |
Soil Health | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
(Time: 57:21) In this session, Dr. Jessica Gutknecht discusses soil health. When you think about the soil beneath your feet, or… |
University of Minnesota |
The Relevance of Soil Biology in Assessing Fertility and Soil Health | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
(Time:1:22:00) Participants will learn how soil biology directly and indirectly influence crop growth and nutrient cycling, along with… |
Soil Health and New Soil Testing Methods | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Webinar |
(Time: 1:47:00) This webinar will give participants an overview of soil health and new soil testing tools for N-P-K that take into account… |
Building your Soil Structure | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Health and Management | Video |
(Time: 19:45) Hal Weiser, USDA, discusses how to improve soil structure and soil biology to maximize crop production. |
University of Minnesota, Extension |
Demonstration of WEPP in more detail | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Erosion Prediction Models | Video |
(Time: 1:00:27) This session includes cover crops, kill crop, mulch/manure additions, weed growth, irrigation, etc. |
WEPP - Overview of Session 1 | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Erosion Prediction Models | Video |
(Time: 16:37) |
IET2 Demonstration | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Erosion Prediction Models | Video |
(Time: 31:13) |
WEPP Demonstration and Use | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Soil Erosion Prediction Models | Video |
(Time: 54:35) |
WEPP Science Introduction and PowerPoint presentation | Erosion Control | Soil Erosion Prediction Models | Video |
(Time: 23:28) Water Erosion Prediction Project |
Introduction to Plant Identification | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Plant ID | Webinar |
(Time: 1:07:49) Plants are of central importance to natural resource conservation. Thus, the ability to identify species or species… |
Solar-powered Water Systems for Grazing Operations | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Managed Grazing Systems | Webinar |
(Time: 1:14) Participants in this webinar will learn important considerations in planning for a solar-powered water delivery system for… |
Conservation Webinars |
Forage Management Resources | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Managed Grazing Systems | Reference Material |
(Time: will vary) This website provides research and other resources related to forage selection, planting, pest management, harvest and… |
University of Minnesota, Extension |
Grazing Systems Planning Guide | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Managed Grazing Systems | Reference Material |
(Time: will vary) This guide discusses the components of a grazing system by taking you through the grazing management planning process… |
University of Minnesota |
Improving Pastures | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Managed Grazing Systems | Video |
(Time: 55:38) In this session, U of M Extension Educator Troy Salzer covers the importance of soil testing, fertilizing, liming, and… |
University of Minnesota Extension |
A Practical Field Guide for Designing Conservation Buffers | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Webinar |
(Time: 00:52) In this webinar, participants will learn how to use evidence-based guidelines for designing vegetative buffers as presented in… |
USDA National Agroforestry Center |
Establishment of Wildflower Habitat for Pollinators, Beneficial Insects, and Wildlife | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Webinar |
(Time: 2:00) This webinar provides instruction regarding the creation or restoration of quality pollinator habitat. |
Xerces Society/NRCS |
Restoring Native Plant Communities: Soil and Hydrology Suited Planning Tools | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Webinar |
(Time: 1:07) This webinar explains how native plant community restoration can be guided by existing natural inventories. |
Conserving Pollinators While Addressing Other Resource Concerns | Pollinators | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Webinar |
(Time: 01:30) This webinar discusses planning and implementing conservation measures to address multiple resource concerns, including… |
Xerces Society/NRCS |
Building Better Native Seed Mixes | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Webinar |
(Time: 59:45) Webinar 7 of 7 from U of M's Ecological Restoration Training Center; Learn how to make the State of Minnesota’s new… |
University of Minnesota |
Ten Things to Know About Planting Wet Areas | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Webinar |
(Time: 59:27) Webinar 6 of 7 from U of M Ecological Restoration Training Center Wet areas such as wetlands, shorelines, and stormwater… |
University of Minnesota |
Selecting Seed Sources to “Future-Proof” Restored Plant Communities | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Webinar |
(Time: 1:03:32) Webinar 5 of 7 from U of M's Ecological Restoration Training Center Selecting seed sources for… |
University of Minnesota |
Biocontrol for Ecological Restoration in Minnesota: Looking Back and Looking Forward | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Webinar |
(Time: 57:56) Webinar 3 of 7 from U of M's Ecological Restoration Training Center; Biocontrol has proven to be an effective tool for the… |
University of Minnesota |
Planning to Avoid Pitfalls: The Key to Restoration Success | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Webinar |
(Time: 41:25) Webinar 2 of 7 from U of M's Ecological Restoration Training Center; No manager wants to lose a restoration project to… |
University of Minnesota |
Learning by Doing: Why Restoration Records Matter | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Webinar |
(Time: 58:00) Webinar 1 of 7 from U of M's Ecological Restoration Training Center; Maintaining project records is essential for keeping long-… |
University of Minnesota |
Certificate in Ecological Restoration | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Online Course |
(Time: 150 hours) The Ecological Restoration certificate is a 150-hour program comprising five required courses. The certificate… |
University of Minnesota |
Pollinators, Monarchs and Beneficial Insects | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Reference Material |
This website has multiple references for conservation planning for pollinators, monarch and beneficial insects. |
Pollinators | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | Native Vegetation, Habitats and Pollinators | Video |
(Time: 57:21) In this session, Elaine Evans will discuss pollinators. Pollinators are a crucial part of our food production… |
University of Minnesota |
Hydrology and Terrain Analysis Tools for Using LiDAR Data | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | GIS-GPS | Webinar |
LiDAR Based Tools & Applications for Estimation and Design | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | GIS-GPS | Video |
(Time:12:29) Peter Mead (Cartographic Technician) and Wes Drake (Agricultural Engineer) from the Minnesota NRCS provide an overview and… |
GPS 101: Introduction to GPS | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | GIS-GPS | Video |
(Time: 24:30) This is an introductory presentation on the U.S. Global Positioning System. It is not training on specific… |
Watershed Tools Demo | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | GIS-GPS | Video |
This video is a demonstration of each step of a watershed delineation and RCN determination for a project site. The demonstration shows the… |
Installing Engineering Tools | Basic Tech Skills (Matrix) | GIS-GPS | Video |
(Time: 3:32) This video is a quick demonstration of where to find, download, and how to install |