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Purpose: This page provides guidance on how to complete a grant agreement from BWSR. If you have any questions on how to complete a specific grant agreement, please contact your Board Conservationist.

All BWSR grant agreements and amendments are distributed via DocuSign.

Every organization receiving grants from BWSR should have one and only one designated Day-to-Day Contact for the organization in eLINK. The grant agreement or grant amendment will be routed to the organization's Day-to-Day Contact to sign via DocuSign. While the agreement or amendment can be assigned to another individual (e.g. a board member) for signature, we are not able to route the document to multiple individuals simultaneously.

After signing the agreement or amendment in DocuSign, the document will automatically be routed back to BWSR for signature by BWSR's authorized representative. Note that if your grant has a work plan requirement, BWSR cannot execute a grant agreement until the initial work plan has been approved.

Frequently asked questions about Grant Agreements and Amendments in eLINK and DocuSign

Can I have more than one Day to Day Contact?

No, only one Day to Day Contact can be selected per organization. If you are the agency’s day-to-day contact, you will be receiving the grant agreement. If there is more than one day-to-day contact for your agency, the system will choose one, which is out of our control.

Who will be receiving my grant agreement?

The singular designated Day-to-Day Contact (D2DC) for your organization in eLINK will receive the grant agreement. Learn more by visiting the eLINK Guidance page on Accessing your Grant Agreement or Amendment.

How will my organization receive our grant agreements?

The grant agreement will be routed to the D2DC for signature via an email from DocuSign. Watch for an email from "Kari Keating via DocuSign." You may assign your grant agreement to another individual (e.g. a board member) for signature as needed, but BWSR is not able to route the document to multiple individuals simultaneously.

Grant agreements must be signed via DocuSign. We will no longer accept them in a .pdf format.

If you receive the grant agreement from DocuSign, but are not the person who needs to sign it, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the document.
  2. Find and click the button “Other Actions”.
  3. Select the option “Assign to Someone Else”.
  4. When the window pops up, add the name and email address of the person who will be signing the grant agreement.
  5. Hit send, and an email will be sent to that person prompting them for signature.

For signing issues, please visit DocuSign Support.

How do I verify my organization's current address in eLINK?

To update your address in eLINK, log in to eLINK and go to Contacts >  Organizations. Find your organization and click on the adjacent Edit (pencil) icon. Update any address details as needed.

How do I update the Day-to-Day Contact for my organization?

If you need to update the D2DC, or aren't sure who your D2DC is, send an email to elinksupport@state.mn.us. Please provide the name of your organization, the name of the person to be removed as the D2DC, and the name of the new D2DC. Please make sure to notify BWSR when the D2DC--or any staff with an eLINK account--leave the organization so that we can ensure permissions are up to date and that critical grant communications reach your organization.

How do I access my executed Grant Agreement or Amendment?

Once a grant agreement or amendment has been fully signed in DocuSign, a completed copy will automatically be emailed to everyone involved in the process. In eLINK a copy will be added when the agreement or amendment is executed. The copy is located under “Manage Grant Details” and the “Attachments” tab.

How do I verify my organization's current address in SWIFT?

To update your address in SWIFT, please access the SWIFT vendor/supplier portal and follow the prompts to update or correct the address.

Grantees can also contact the EFT helpline SWIFT Vendor Resources

Who do I contact if I have additional questions or concerns regarding the signing of my grant agreement or amendment?

Please send your questions or concerns to bwsr.grants@state.mn.us 


Kari Keating
Grants Specialist