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The Watershed Based Implementation Funding (WBIF) Grant Program is an alternative to the traditional project-by-project competitive process often used to fund water quality improvement projects. This funding allows collaborating local governments to pursue timely solutions based on a watershed's highest priority needs.


BWSR is using watershed based implementation funding to accelerate water management outcomes and improve consistency and efficiency across the state.

  • This approach integrates available data with a reliable source of funding that helps local governments spend limited resources where they are most needed, reduces time spent on competitive grant applications and enhances science-based decision making.
  • The approach depends on comprehensive watershed management plans developed under One Watershed, One Plan program or the Metropolitan Surface or Ground Water Management framework to provide assurance that actions are prioritized, targeted and measurable.
  • The primary purpose of activities funded through this program is to implement projects and programs that protect, enhance, and restore surface water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams; protect groundwater from degradation; and protect drinking water sources.


FY24-25 Information

Funding requests for Allocation Year* 2024 open September 5, 2023. 
Funding requests for Allocation Year* 2025 open July 1, 2024.

All grant agreements must be executed by June 1 of the fiscal year in which the funding request was started.  Funding requests should be submitted by April 30 of the fiscal year in which the grant will be executed.

*Refers to fiscal years, FY2024 = July 1, 2023 – June 30-2024.  2025 = July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.

  • Grant Agreement Expiration Dates

Grant agreements executed in FY2024 will expire on December 31, 2026.
Grant agreements executed in FY2025 will expire on December 31, 2027.

Metro Area Only

In addition to the information above, the following resources relate only to the metro area eligible entities.

General Program Resources




Julie Westerlund
One Watershed, One Plan Coordinator