Grant Description
One Watershed One Plan Planning Grants provide funding and assistance for the development of a multi-jurisdictional, watershed-scale water plan, with funding provided through a competitive process. Eligible activities under this grant include staff time used in preparing for policy or advisory committees, coordinating meetings, and administration of the grant. The costs for hosting public and technical meetings, such as facility rental, supplies, reasonable food expenditures, and meeting notice fees, are eligible expenditures under this grant. Activities and expenditures that are not reimbursable under this grant, but may be used as in-kind, include staff time at meetings or expenses and per diems of policy committee members.
Reporting Overview
Grantees are required to develop a work plan using an external form, which is used to determine the final award amount. Upon approval, the grant will be loaded into eLINK and
notification of the unexecuted grant agreement will be sent. The completed work plan form, along with the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and bylaws, should be uploaded into the Attachments tab of the grant record in eLINK, and work plan activities should be entered into eLINK. For grants issued prior to June 2017, an email notification should be sent to the Board Conservationist when this has been completed. Grants issued after June 2017 will automatically notify the Board Conservationist upon submittal of the eLINK work plan.
Work may not begin under the grant until the work plan has been approved and the grant agreement has been executed. Grantees should report expenditures and “Actual Results” in eLINK under the Planning and Assessment activity category. Activities may also be created under the Administration/Coordination activity category. A review draft plan should be attached during interim reporting, and the final plan should be attached as part of the final grant report.
eLINK Reporting Requirements
Attribute: | Details: |
Program Requirements: | One Watershed One Plan Planning Grant Policy; Subject to all CWF requirements, including use of the Legacy logo. |
Administered by: | BWSR |
Funding Request Completed in eLINK | No, application completed outside of eLINK |
Proposed Indicators in Funding Request: | No |
Exempt from eLINK reporting: | No |
Additional Report Attachment: | Yes |
Non-eLINK reporting required: | Yes |
Work Plan Required | Yes |
Match Requirement: | None |
Activity Details (Practices & Indicators): | No |
Mapping: | No |
Rates & Hours: | Yes – use this tool in eLINK to calculate Full Time Equivalent employees funded through the grant |
Payment Schedule: | 50/40/10 |