Grant Description

The purpose of these formula grants is to support local efforts to raise awareness about soil health practices via outreach and education. These grants are flexible and allow for other activities such as increased staffing and practice implementation.  

Reporting Overview

A workplan must be approved before work can begin on this grant. The workplan should be developed in eLINK using the activities proposed in the application, although BWSR may require additional details at this stage.  The workplan will lock upon submittal to BWSR for approval, preventing edits to the approved budget but allowing you to enter expenses and reporting details as work is completed.

Eligible activities:

Funding may be used broadly for financial assistance and technical support activities needed to promote and facilitate the enhanced adoption of soil health practices and systems to achieve water quality, drinking water, climate, or associated benefits consistent with Minnesota Statutes, section 103F.06.

For more information about Eligible Activities reference Soil Health Delivery Program Requirements Exhibit A (pdf)

Ineligible activities:

Funds may not be used for the purchase of equipment that will be used to establish, improve, or accelerate soil health. Examples of equipment include, but are not limited to, no till drills, air seeders, high boys, variable rate equipment, and retrofit projects to convert corn detasslers to high boys.

Required to report in eLINK

Grant recipients are required to report on grant outcomes, activities, and accomplishments in eLINK according to the requirements outlined in the grant agreement and policies within BWSR’s Grants Administration Manual. 




Program RequirementsSoil Health Delivery Program Requirements Exhibit A (pdf)
Administered ByBWSR
Funding Request Completed in eLINKNo
Proposed Indicators in ApplicationNo
Exempt from eLINK ReportingNo
Grant Agreement Distributed Through DocuSignYes
Additional Report AttachmentDistrict Financial Assistance Policy uploaded in eLINK or described in Activity Description
Non-eLINK Reporting RequiredNo
Match RequirementN/A
Activity Details (Practices & Indicators)Yes
FTE EstimateYes
Payment Schedule50/40/10