Grant Description

The Conservation Contract Program replaces the State Cost-Share program effective FY24 and beyond. The program transition is the result of changes to the §103C.501 statutory language. This program provides funds to Soil and Water Conservation Districts for practices, projects, or systems for erosion or sedimentation control, improvements to water quality or water quantity, habitat enhancement, plant biodiversity, energy conservation, or climate adaptation, resiliency, or mitigation. Through the Conservation Contracts Program, land occupiers can request financial and technical assistance from their local District for the implementation of conservation practices.

Reporting Overview

Grant recipients are required to report on grant outcomes, activities, and accomplishments in eLINK according to the requirements outlined in the grant agreement, the Conservation Contract Program Policy, and the requirements and procedures outlined within BWSR’s Grants Administration Manual. This grant does not require a work plan. Expenses should be reported in eLINK, and a description of how the funds were used should be entered in the Results field. The full amount of this grant is paid to the grantee upon execution of the grant agreement.


eLINK Reporting Requirements



Program RequirementsConservation Contracts Program Policy
Administered ByBWSR
Funding Request Completed in eLINKNo (N/A)
Proposed Indicators in Funding RequestNo
Exempt from eLINK ReportingNo
Additional Report AttachmentNo
Non-eLINK Reporting RequiredNo
Work Plan RequiredNo
Match RequirementNo
Activity Details (Practices & Indicators)Yes
Rates & HoursNo
Payment Schedule100% Advance Payment