Grant Description
These grants provide funding and assistance for buffer law implementation. Eligible activities include assistance to support drainage system mapping and map review, landowner outreach, landowner technical and financial assistance, equipment purchases, and other buffer law implementation activities.
Supplemental allocations for this program follow the same requirements, but typically adhere to different grant agreement end dates. Always reference your grant agreement.
Reporting Overview
A workplan is required for grants issued FY18 and beyond. Grantee progress reporting should refer to the activities indicated in the workplan (for FY17 grants, refer to the original external funding request submitted to BWSR), as BWSR’s Board Conservationist will refer to the funding request form when reviewing reports. Grantees should report expenditures and “Actual Results” in eLINK under the appropriate activity categories.
Grant recipients are required to report on grant outcomes, activities, and accomplishments in eLINK according to the requirements outlined in the grant agreement and policies within BWSR’s Grants Administration Manual. Funding is provided through the Clean Water Fund, making these grants subject to all Clean Water Fund reporting requirements, including use of the Legacy logo where applicable and practicable. If staff time will be used under this grant, please use the Rates and Hours tool in eLINK to enter the estimated Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees funded through this grant.
Attribute | Details |
Program Requirements | Clean Water Fund – Subject to all CWF requirements, including use of the Legacy logo. |
Administered By | BWSR |
Funding Request Completed in eLINK | No (N/A) |
Proposed Indicators in Funding Request | No |
Exempt from eLINK Reporting | No |
Additional Report Attachment | No |
Non-eLINK Reporting Required | No |
Work Plan Required | Yes, for FY20 & beyond |
Match Requirement | None |
Activity Details (Practices & Indicators) | Yes, if used to install practices |
Mapping | Yes, if used to install practices |
Rates & Hours | Yes (if funds used for staff time) |
Payment Schedule | 100% Advance Payment |