Grants GAM policy icon
GRANTS GAM Requrement icon

Chapters of the GAM within the Administrative Requirements & Policies section are those matters common to all grants, including topics such as: processing and amending grants, technical quality assurances, reporting, noncompliance, and records retention. These requirements are distinguished from programmatic requirements, which are specific to an agreement or to a grant program; or implementing practices, which includes matters common only to those grants that install practices. All provisions for the administration of grants that are less restrictive than these administrative requirements are superseded, except to the extent that they are required by statute or regulation, pertain to existing agreements, or are authorized in writing by the Board or Water and Soil Resources.

About the BWSR Grants Administration Manual (updated 7/1/23)

Processing a BWSR Grant (updated 7/1/23)

Plan Status and Grant Eligibility Policy (updated 7/1/18)

Grant Agreement Amendments and Work Plan Revisions (updated 7/1/23)

Requesting a Reimbursement or Payment (updated 7/1/23)

Grant Noncompliance Policy (updated 7/1/19)

Technical Quality Assurance (updated 7/1/18)

Project and Practice Assurances (updated 7/1/22)

Records, Program and Project Files (updated 7/1/2024)

Reporting Requirements for BWSR Grants (updated 7/1/23)

Closing out a BWSR Grant (updated 7/1/23)

Grants Monitoring and Financial Reconciliations (updated 7/1/2024)

Time and Effort Documentation (updated 7/1/23)

Determining a Billing Rate (updated 7/1/2024)

Prevailing Wage (updated 7/1/18)

Private and Nonpublic Data (updated 7/1/17)

Conflict of Interest (updated 7/1/17)

Recommended Local Policies and Requirements (updated 7/1/17)

Financial Management and Accounting (updated 7/1/20)

Allowable and Unallowable Costs (updated 7/1/2024)

Payroll and Personnel Records (updated 7/1/17)

Frequently Asked Questions (updated 7/1/2024)


James Adkinson
Grants Coordinator