Grant Description

The Performance Review and Assistance Program (PRAP) grants are available to agencies within BWSR's local government unit (LGU) delivery system—240 Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Watershed Districts, Water Management Organizations, and Counties—that desire to improve their performance or operational effectiveness. The need-based grants are intended to assist partners with organizational improvement and can include activities such as staff capacity assessment, strategic planning, conflict resolution, and reorganization. Grants are made on a cost-share basis.

Reporting Overview

Reporting and payment reimbursement requests are managed outside of eLINK. Contact the PRAP Coordinator for more information.

eLINK Reporting Requirements




Program Requirements:FY24-25 PRAP Grant RFP
Administered by:BWSR
Funding Request completed in eLINK?No
Proposed Indicators in Funding Request:No
Exempt from eLINK reporting:Require eLINK reporting
Additional Report Attachment:No
Non-eLINK reporting required:Not required
Work Plan Required:Required for grants
Match Requirement:No
Activity Details (Practices & Indicators):No
Rates & Hours:No
Payment Schedule:Reimbursement


Don Bajumpaa
PRAP Coordinator