Grant Description


The Conservation Reserve Program State Incentives Pilot Program grant funds are made available through SWCDs for the purpose of providing landowner incentive payments as part of the federal Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).

A maximum of up to 10 percent (10%) of the total grant may be used for administrative and project development expenses. Billing rates charged to these grants may only include the employee’s base hourly rate plus benefits. Incentives to install or adopt CCRP practices that improve or protect water quality and/or provide pollinator and wildlife benefits are an eligible use of funds. Incentive payments should be reasonable and justifiable, supported by grant recipient policy, consistent with prevailing local conditions, and must be based on established FOTG standards. BWSR reserves the right to review and approve incentive payment rates established by grant recipient policy.

Reporting Overview

An approved workplan is required before work can begin under this grant. Grant recipients are required to report in eLINK on grant outcomes, activities, and accomplishments in eLINK according to the requirements outlined in the grant agreement and policies within BWSR’s Grants Administration Manual. These grants are paid on a reimbursement basis. An expense, hours, and accomplishment reporting form is sent to grantees quarterly. Completed reports are returned to BWSR for program tracking and payment processing.


eLINK Reporting Requirements

Program RequirementsConservation Reserve Program State Incentives Pilot Program Policy
Watershed-Based Implementation Funding Policy (FY22-23)
Administered by:BWSR
Funding Request completed in eLINK?No
Proposed Indicators in Funding RequestNo
Grant Agreement distributed through DocuSign:Yes
Exempt from eLINK reporting:No
Additional Report Attachment:Yes: CRP contract practice(s), acres, CRP contract length, staff hours
Non-eLINK reporting required:Yes
Work Plan RequiredYes
Match Requirement:N/A
Activity Details (Practices & Indicators):No
Rates & Hours:No
Payment Schedule:REIMBURSEMENT



Dusty Van Thuyne
Easement Programs Coordinator