Grant Fund Reporting

Recipients of BWSR grant funds are required to report expenditures, measurable outcomes and activities from the previous calendar year as outlined in the grant agreement. BWSR may withhold grant payments if the grantee is not in compliance with ALL Board reporting requirements.

The deadline for grant reporting varies by grant program and the terms of the grant agreement; however, generally, these deadline dates are:

  • February 1st *
  • August 1st, and
  • 30 days after the end of the grant agreement.

Grant Reporting Resources

Grant Expiration Dates (updated January 2, 2025) - This is a list of grant (allocation) fund names and their respective original expiration dates. Always refer to your grant agreement or amendment.

eLINK Reporting at a Glance (updated March 12, 2025) - This is reference of basic reporting elements that are expected to be entered in eLINK. Additional program reporting details may also be required. The Website Reporting by Program has now been added to this chart.

Please reference your organization's grant agreements or consult with your Board Conservationist for grant-specific reporting requirements and exact dates. Failure by BWSR to list a grant or accurate expiration date does not constitute a waiver of the reporting requirement nor BWSR's right to enforce it. If you have questions regarding reporting, compliance, eligible activities, etc., please contact your board conservationist.

Guidance materials for reporting in eLINK can be found on the eLINK page.

Website Reporting

The Website Reporting by Program information is now added to eLINK Reporting at a Glance (updated March 12, 2025) 


Additional Required Reporting

BWSR requires specific program and financial reporting in addition to grant fund reporting. Annual reporting must comply with the requirements and formats set by the Board. Those reports are:

Local Governmental Unit
Annual Financial StatementTSA Joint Powers Organization
March 15
Financial Reports - Draft Audit due to OSA SWCD
October 31
Financial Reports - Final Audit due to BWSRSWCDDecember 31
WCA Annual ReportingAll WCA LGUsFebruary 1

Supplemental Reporting

BWSR may act as the fiscal agent on behalf of other state agencies. These agencies have specific program requirements and may request additional reporting specific to these programs.