BWSR RIM Reserve Committee Meeting
Date: March 25, 2025
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Location: Conference Room 116, 520 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, MN 55155
Microsoft Teams Virtual Option: Join the meeting now
Call In (audio only): 651-395-7448
Conference ID: 698 849 923#
- Approve February 21, 2025 Meeting Notes
- Public Comment Period
- Easement Alteration Policy
- CRPG Funding
- 2025 Rate Update
- RIM Reserve Standard Easement Payment Rate (Board Resolution #13-09) Update – Decision
- Wellhead Program – Decision
- CREP Amendment – Update
- LCCMR CRP Incentives – Update
- Pilot for surveying easements
Contact: Sharon Doucette, Easement Section Manager, 651-539-2567,
Committee Roster
February 2025
Membership: | Todd Holman, chair | citizen |
| Mark Zabel | soil & water conservation district |
| Jayne Hager Dee | soil & water conservation district |
| Rich Sve | county commissioner |
Joe Collins | watershed district | |
| Jill Crafton | watershed district |
LeRoy Ose | watershed district | |
| John Jaschke | staff |
| Rachel Mueller | staff |
Responsibility: The AAC consists of the Board’s chair and vice-chair and the chairs of the Board’s standing committees. The AAC may make evaluations and recommendations to the Board on various Board issues including ethics; expenses/per diem; bylaws; and implementing legislation and budgets. The AAC will act as the personnel committee for personnel actions relating to the Board’s executive director. The chair may include additional members ad hoc to address special or unique topics or issues.
Meetings: The committee will meet at the call of the chair.
Membership: | Joe Collins, chair | watershed district |
| Todd Holman | citizen |
Ted Winter | citizen | |
| Rich Sve | county commissioner |
| Tom Schulz | soil & water conservation district |
Mark Zabel | soil & water conservation district | |
Vacancy | Greater MN City | |
| Andrea Fish | staff |
Responsibility: The Committee consists of the Board’s chair, vice-chair, and appointed at-large members. It appraises the effectiveness of the agency’s internal controls and risk assessment and provides an avenue of communication between BWSR’s internal audit function and external auditors, management, and the Board. In addition, the A&O is also responsible for the Performance Review and Assistance Program (PRAP) oversight and receives reports on BWSR and Local Government Unit program evaluations and fiscal compliance matters.
Meetings: The Committee will meet at least once during the year or at the call of the chair or a majority of the members.
Membership: | LeRoy Ose, chair | watershed district |
| Rich Sve | county commissioner |
| Neil Peterson | county commissioner |
Ron Staples | county commissioner | |
| Ted Winter | citizen |
| Mark Zabel | soil & water conservation district |
Vacancy | Greater MN City | |
| Jeff Berg | Department of Agriculture |
| Jason Garms | Department of Natural Resources |
| Heather Johnson | Pollution Control Agency |
| Joel Larson | University of Minnesota Extension |
| Tom Gile | staff |
Responsibility: The Committee is responsible for reviewing buffer, drainage and soil conservation statutes, rules, policies, guidelines, programs and special projects and related plans, operational partnerships, and opportunities to enhance the agency’s implementation of programs; and for making the resulting recommendations to the Board.
Meetings: The Committee will meet as determined by the Committee chair in consultation with the Board Chair or staff.
Membership: | Rich Sve, chair | county commissioner |
| Jayne Hager Dee | soil & water conservation district |
| Todd Holman | citizen |
| Joe Collins | watershed district |
Mark Zabel | soil & water conservation district | |
Travis Germundson | staff |
Responsibility: The Committee is responsible for hearing appeals, including those related to the Wetland Conservation Act, watershed district rule and permit decision appeals, and, under MS103A.301, determinations of water law and policy. The authority of the DRC is established in statute and assigned to the DRC by the Board. Under current guidelines the DRC hears the appeals and makes recommendations to the Board.
Per M.S. 103B.101, Subd.10, the committee is appointed by the board chair.
Meetings: The Committee will meet as needed to process appeals that have been filed with the Board.
Membership: | Mark Zabel, chair | soil & water conservation district |
Todd Holman | citizen | |
Ted Winter | citizen | |
| Tom Schulz | soil & water conservation district |
Mike Runk | Metro cities | |
| Neil Peterson | county commissioner |
| Rich Sve | county commissioner |
Jill Crafton | watershed district | |
Vacancy | Greater MN City | |
LeRoy Ose | watershed district | |
| Melissa Lewis | Pollution Control Agency |
| Jeff Berg | Department of Agriculture |
| Marcey Westrick | staff |
Responsibility: The Committee is responsible for reviewing grant allocations, policies, and related procedures and making recommendations to the Board.
Meetings: The Committee will meet as determined by the Committee chair in consultation with Board Chair or staff.
Membership: | Jayne Hager Dee, chair | soil & water conservation district |
Ted Winter | citizen | |
| Lori Cox | citizen |
| Tom Schulz | soil & water conservation district |
LeRoy Ose | watershed district | |
Ron Staples | county commissioner | |
| Steve Robertson | Department of Health |
| Jeff Berg | Department of Agriculture |
| Jason Garms | Department of Natural Resources |
| Sharon Doucette | staff |
Responsibility: The Committee is responsible for reviewing RIM Reserve Program statutes, rules, policies, guidelines, rates and for considering strategic plans, operational partnerships, and opportunities to enhance the agency’s conservation easements programs; and for making the resulting recommendations to the Board.
Meetings: The Committee will meet as determined by the Committee chair in consultation with the Board Chair or staff.
Membership: | Joe Collins, chair | watershed district |
| Jayne Hager Dee | soil & water conservation district |
| Tom Schulz | soil & water conservation district |
Mark Zabel | soil & water conservation district | |
Eunice Biel | townships | |
Mike Runk | Metro cities | |
| Steve Robertson | Department of Health |
| Joel Larson | University of Minnesota Extension |
| Melissa Lewis | Pollution Control Agency |
| Jason Garms | Department of Natural Resources |
| Jeff Berg | Department of Agriculture |
| Marcey Westrick | staff |
| Jenny Gieseke | staff |
Responsibility: The Committee is responsible for the development of strategic plans for the Board including identification of key outcomes, partnerships and opportunities. The WMSPC is also responsible for the development of program and policy to guide and direct implementation of local water and watershed management plans, including the One Watershed - One Plan program.
Meetings: The Committee will meet as determined by the Committee chair in consultation with the Board Chair or staff.
Membership: | Jill Crafton, chair | watershed district |
| Ted Winter | citizen |
| Neil Peterson | county commissioner |
Ron Staples | county commissioner | |
| Lori Cox | citizen |
Eunice Biel | townships | |
| Jason Garms | Department of Natural Resources |
| Jeff Berg | Department of Agriculture |
| Les Lemm | staff |
Responsibility: The Committee is responsible for reviewing Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) and wetland banking rules, policies, guidelines and plans.
Meetings: The Committee will meet as determined by the Committee chair in consultation with the Board Chair or staff.
Membership: | Neil Peterson | county commissioner |
Ron Staples | county commissioner | |
| Tom Gile | staff |
Responsibility: The Drainage Work Group is responsible for developing recommendations for drainage system management and related water management, including recommendations for updating Minnesota Statutes Chapter 103E Drainage and related provisions.
Meetings: The work group will meet as determined by the staff.
Membership: |
Northern | Southern | Central |
Rich Sve, chair – CC | Ted Winter, chair – CIT | Joe Collins, chair – WD |
Neil Peterson – CC | Eunice Biel – TWP | Jill Crafton – WD |
Ron Staples - CC | Jeff Berg – MDA | Jayne Hager Dee – SWCD |
Todd Holman – CIT | Steve Robertson – MDH | Mark Zabel – SWCD |
LeRoy Ose - WD | Scott Roemhildt – DNR | MIke Runk - MC |
Tom Schulz - SWCD | Heather Johnson – PCA | Lori Cox - CIT |
Jeff Berg – MDA | Ed Lenz – staff | Joel Larson – UME |
Ben Bergey – DNR |
| Heather Johnson – PCA |
Chad Anderson– PCA |
| Steve Robertson – MDH |
Ryan Hughes – staff |
| Grant Wilson – DNR |
Marcey Westrick – staff |
Responsibility: Each Committee has the responsibility to review county water plans, water management organization plans, watershed district plans, comprehensive wetland plans, comprehensive watershed management plans and alternatives or amendments to same and to advise the Board on the adequacy of the plans. The Committee may also hold hearings and make recommendations to the Board on establishment, dissolution, boundary changes and other specific local government plans and governance matters.
Meetings: The Committee will meet as necessary to review plans and amendments and hold hearings as ordered or as delegated by the Board. Staff will coordinate meeting locations and schedules with members.
CC = county commissioner | WMO = watershed management organization (metro) |
CIT = citizen | MC = metro cities |
SWCD = soil and water conservation district | GMC = Greater MN city |
WD = watershed district | TWP = townships |
UME = University of Minnesota Extension |
NOTE: Committee membership and proceedings are guided by the Board Bylaws.
Board Committee List (pdf) (February 2025)