Annual board tour highlights wellhead protection
BWSR board members, local partners and conservation staff visited nine project sites in Rock and Nobles counties during the Aug. 22 annual board tour. This year’s focus: wellhead protection and flood recovery efforts.

Conservation, cover crops & communication
The Winona County SWCD used local capacity funds to hire an employee with cover crop expertise, provide cost-share and increase its outreach.

Fixing septics, protecting groundwater
Sheila Craig of the Southeast Minnesota Wastewater Initiative helps communities such as Cedar Beach on Lake Zumbro near Rochester find solutions to hard-to-fix and out-of-compliance septic systems.

Groundwater reports round out data
With access to Groundwater Restoration and Protection Strategies reports, planners now have a more comprehensive picture of restoration and protection options as they move ahead with One Watershed, One Plan.

Big Trout: 'A resource worth saving'
Big Trout Lake is among the few lakes outside the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness that support cold-water-loving lake trout. Crow Wing Soil & Water Conservation District’s $400,000 stormwater treatment project aims to protect that water quality.