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Since Lawns to Legumes launched in August 2019, the program has:
Installed Projects
- More than 10,000 projects have been supported through the program
- 63 Shoreline projects completed
- Funded 42 Pollinator Pathways (community conservation) projects to develop pollinator corridors throughout Minnesota
- Over 70 community spaces restored as part of community conservation efforts
Landscape and Pollinator Benefits
- Over 14 million square feet of high diversity residential pollinator habitat established
- Over 13,000 trees and shrubs planted
- Thousands of milkweed plants established to support Monarch Butterflies
- Sequestering more than 183 metric tons of carbon per year
- Collecting over 27 million cubic feet of water in gardens each year
- Participating residents have contributed around a 1:1 match for project installation
Outreach and Engagement Outcomes
- Around 600,000 visits to program webpages for resources
- Around 41,000 applications from Minnesotans for individual support reimbursement grants
- Trained and educated more than 10,000 people via program workshops, webinars and presentations
- Fostered collaboration with more than 100 partner organizations
- Supported more than 50 businesses that help residents create pollinator habitat
- Recruited 270 volunteer coaches in 49 counties across the state
Social Outcomes
- Awarded more than 40% of all Individual Support grants to residents in environmental justice areas
- Over 2000 new gardeners taught how to plant and maintain gardens
- Trained and educated more than 10,000 residents through program workshops, webinars and presentations