Soil health incentives strengthen Goodhue nitrate reduction effort

The Goodhue SWCD is working with landowners to protect the city of Goodhue’s drinking water supply, which has seen nitrate levels trending upward over the past 30 years.

MN CREP expansion opens easement opportunities in 12 additional counties

A recently amended agreement between the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) and the USDA’s Farm Service Agency (USDA-FSA) will make easement opportunities via the Minnesota Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (MN CREP) available in 12 more counties across Minnesota.

SWCD, city, BSU partnership aims to protect Lake Bemidji

A Clean Water Fund grant-backed stormwater project being planned in Bemidji builds upon a partnership among the Beltrami SWCD, Bemidji State University and the city of Bemidji.

Wetland Conservation Act rulemaking process advances, BWSR seeks feedback

BWSR’s work to update the state’s Wetland Conservation Act rules continues. The second preliminary draft is expected to be published on BWSR’s website and open for public review later this spring.