In Otter Tail County, easement protects wild rice, fish, wildlife
A 61-acre wild rice RIM easement in Otter Tail County will permanently protect 1.5 miles of shoreline from future development on a shallow bay of Star Lake.

Redwood River project saves soil, strengthens flood control
Area II and Redwood SWCD’s erosion- and flood-control work with landowners benefits recently dredged Lake Redwood. It draws from a BWSR water quality and storage pilot program grant, NRCS assistance and a Redwood Falls contribution.

Buffer law approaching 100% compliance, BWSR staff focuses on maintenance and relationships
Three BWSR buffer and soil loss specialists are working with local government units and landowners to help maintain existing buffers and move toward full compliance with Minnesota’s buffer law. Nearly 10 years after the law was enacted, 99.8% of parcels adjacent to Minnesota waters are in compliance.

Wetland banking program offers benefits to infrastructure, landowners, habitat
The Local Government Road Wetland Replacement Program provides wetland mitigation to local road authorities to offset impacts to wetlands that occur while repairing, restoring or replacing public roads. A recent Request for Proposals will help protect an additional 300 acres of wetlands.