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Habitat Friendly Utilities projects can accomplish a wide range of landscape benefits. This page summarizes key potential benefits of projects. As the program develops, outcomes will be documented on this webpage.
The Following List Summarizes Many of the Potential Outcomes of Habitat Friendly Utility Projects
- Habitat creation and enhancement
- Creation of habitat corridors
- Surface and groundwater protection
- Soil health
- Jobs/local economies
- Climate resiliency
- Conservation grazing
- Carbon sequestration
- Aesthetics
- Control of invasive plant species
- Local community engagement
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
The Following are Key Benefits of Enhancing Habitat along Utility Corridors
- Reconnecting fragmented and isolated wildlife populations
- Expanding habitat
- Linking larger protected areas
- Improving and protecting water quality
- Decreasing maintenance over time
- Public engagement
- Builds partner collaboration