Grants propel Grass Lake restoration
Kandiyohi County’s $5.5 million Grass Lake restoration, a 30-year project now in its final phase, is expected to improve water quality in downstream lakes, flood relief for Willmar, agricultural drainage and shoreline stability. Kandiyohi SWCD and the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service are among the many partners involved over the years.
Farm Bill biologist expands easements
“Most of these people use easements for hunting land or recreation, so it ends up fitting into what they want to do. They’re all voluntary programs. We go out there, listen to what they want to do and try to make recommendations to meet their objectives." — Jake Granfors, one of 19 Farm Bill biologists employed by Pheasants Forever in Minnesota to help landowners find voluntary conservation programs that fit their land management goals.

Taking conservation to the trees
The Watershed Conservation Planning Initiative, a BWSR-NRCS-SWCD collaboration, encourages landowners to take a holistic approach. In the Root River watershed, it’s brought more forest stand and streambank improvements that benefit water quality and wildlife.

BWSR outlines voluntary buffer improvement options
BWSR recently released Building Better Buffers, a series of fact sheets that offers voluntary options and advice for landowners looking to maintain or improve their riparian buffers. Topics include improving buffers for increased water quality, enhanced habitat or forestry, plus ideas for buffer maintenance and alternative practices options.