Grant Description

The Natural Resources Block Grant (NRBG) is a composite of base grants available to local government units that help them implement programs designed to protect and improve water resources.  All counties are required to pass ordinances regulating SSTS countywide.

The BWSR SSTS funds are for rural landowners with an income below 300 percent of the federal poverty guidelines for the applicable family size. A grant award to a landowner shall not exceed the lesser of $5,000 or 35 percent of the cost of replacing the failed or failing septic system. The issuance of a loan for the purpose of replacing a failed septic system does not preclude a rural landowner from obtaining a grant using these funds or vice versa. The funds may be used together with other SSTS Upgrade grant funds for the same septic system replacement as long as criteria for both grant funds are met.

Reporting Overview

Grant recipients are required to report on grant outcomes, activities, and accomplishments in eLINK according to the requirements outlined in the grant agreement and policies within BWSR’s Grants Administration Manual. The SSTS grant does not require a workplan. Expenses should be reported in eLINK, and a description of how the funds were used should be entered in the Actual Results field, e.g. “Funds used to administer SSTS program.” Activity details, including associated pollution reduction estimates, should be entered. However, these should not be mapped (to protect landowners from being identified as low-income).

The full amount of this grant is typically paid to the grantee upon execution of the NRBG grant agreement or, in the case of the second year of a biennial grant agreement, will be paid after July 1 of the second fiscal year. However, program timing for SSTS grants may necessitate that they are issued on a separate grant agreement from other NRBG programs, and/or they may require annual grant agreements.

eLINK Reporting Requirements



Administered ByBWSR/MPCA
Application Completed in eLINKNo
Proposed Indicators in ApplicationNo
Grant Agreement Distributed Through eLINKYes
Exempt from eLINK ReportingNo
Additional Report AttachmentNo
Non-eLINK Reporting RequiredNo
Match RequirementNo match required
Activity Details (Practices & Indicators)Yes
Rates & HoursNo
Actual ResultsYes
Payment Schedule100% Advance Payment