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Raising awareness and educating the public about the importance of pollinator habitat is a key component of the Lawns to Legumes Pilot Program. Efforts to date include:
- Lawns to Legumes was formally launched in 2019 at the Minnesota State Fair Eco Experience. BWSR partners at the fair each year with Blue Thumb on exhibits featuring native plantings, an opportunity to ask volunteers questions about the program, and options to sign up for program updates.
- A partnership among BWSR, Blue Thumb and the Minneapolis College of Art and Design yielded a year-long social media campaign showcasing student artwork to promote the program's values and goals on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
- BWSR's Medium blog features articles from BWSR Senior Ecologist and Vegetative Specialist Dan Shaw providing advice on specific aspects of creating pollinator habitat.
- Lawns to Legumes has been featured in over 130 published articles, including publications with a national audience such as O the Oprah Magazine and Mother Jones.
- Over 10,000 residents have participated in program workshops and presentations that are an essential component of Lawns to Legumes. Also, over 800 Lawns to Legumes coaches have also been trained to increase their knowledge for helping others create pollinator habitat.
- Online resources are provided to all interested residents on BWSR's program webpage. Program staff continue to update resources as more become available.
- Many schools are also involved with the Lawns to Legumes Program through Pollinator Pathway grants and education efforts.