
While landowners are responsible for maintaining their easements, the structural components of wetland restorations will begin to fail as they reach the end of their intended lifespan.  This program allows for the state to preserve a functioning wetland on the easements.  BWSR staff will evaluate failing structures and work with the SWCD and landowner to replace or update the structural component of the existing easements.

Inspections and Reporting

BWSR has begun field inspections for our aging easement structures and our staff will reach out to SWCDs when we will be on site to perform the inspections.  There are also funds available for SWCDs to perform the inspections of the structural components of the easements if there is interest and technical capabilities.  Alternatively, if an SWCD is contacted by a landowner, the SWCD should report the issue through our new Asset Reporting Tool (see below).  Any issues can be reported through this tool, such as failing outlets, rodent damage, flooding on neighboring properties, etc.  Once the issue is submitted via the tool, a BWSR staff member will follow up with the SWCD to determine if the site is eligible for this asset preservation program.

Minnesota Easements Asset Reporting Tool 

(Used for wetland repairs and enhancements)

BWSR has created a reporting tool to report structural problems or deficiencies found on the State’s wetland conservation easements.  This tool is for use by Minnesota conservation partners such as Soil and Water Conservation Districts.  “Structures” refers to embankments and other man-made engineering components (e.g. pipes, tile, tile intakes, pipe risers, sheetpile weirs, rock weirs, etc.) that were a part of the site’s restoration construction.  Any specific impacts to adjacent off-easement land can also be reported here. You will need to provide the site’s easement number to submit the form.  For multi-easement projects, enter one number and list additional numbers, if known, in the comments box.  Utilizing this tool communicates issues to BWSR engineering staff for follow-up as needed.

Survey 123 Asset Reporting Tool: https://arcg.is/ySGTG

A Paper Copy for the Reporting Tool is available If preferred to use in the field, but submit all findings in the electronic Survey 123 tool

Survey 123 Paper Copy


This short video demonstrates how to navigate and use the tool’s features.  The tool can be accessed and completed on any internet-connected device.  You will have the option to upload photos, maps, and other relevant documents.  You can also save your progress as needed to finish and submit the form at a later time, even on a different device (link sent via email).


Sites may be eligible for funding and engineering assistance to preserve the wetland functions as originally designed.  Sites may also be evaluated for vegetation and wetland enhancement potential.


Terry Ragan
Water Resources Engineer