New option for drainage + water quality

“This is a unique opportunity for us to start looking at ditches in a different way, of (not) just sending water downstream.” — Mike Schultz, Le Sueur County SWCD manager, on a first-of-its kind multipurpose drainage management project that incorporates a wetland restoration and an easement held by a drainage authority

Working-lands pilot targets grazing lands

“From a habitat and wildlife perspective, grass is good. We want to retain the grass we’ve got. The pilot is a way we can help folks stay in business and still protect those natural resources." — Bill Penning, BWSR conservation programs consultant

Ditch fixes aid impaired Red Lake River

Pennington County landowners within three county ditch systems who installed side-water inlets retained topsoil, reduced out-of-pocket repair costs, and contributed to water quality improvements downstream.

Trainings tailored to conservation

A new training series designed to equip Minnesota conservation professionals with a solid foundation of knowledge that's consistent across all levels of government is available for free online. The Technical Training and Certification Program's Core Competency Conservation Training series offers 19 modules.