Building capacity in Rock County
Nestled in the most southwest corner of Minnesota, Rock County is predominantly farmland, and selling conservation has at times been challenging. With the passage of the Legacy Amendment and the ability to pursue Clean Water Funds, the Rock SWCD was able to accelerate its work with landowners and producers to get conservation on the ground.

Targeting Clean Water through Wastewater Facilitation
Improving water quality in Minnesota is a collaborative effort. Whether we’re working to stabilize eroding streams, restore wetlands, establish buffers, or place land in easements (to name just a few), we all strive to make an impact. Learn how the Southeast Minnesota Wastewater Initiative is making a local impact by helping the public make informed wastewater decisions here.

Preparing the next generation of conservation professionals
As baby boomers across the nation continue to retire, the transfer of knowledge from today’s conservation leaders to tomorrow’s conservation work force becomes increasingly important. Colleges and universities provide excellent opportunities for learning, but hands-on experience is vital to creating the next generation of conservation professionals.

Wetland impacts from groundwater withdrawals
Often we think of surface water and ground water as different resources, or at least disconnected. Then, events remind us that they are really part of the same resource. Declining water levels in White Bear Lake have garnered a flood of media attention, but this is not an isolated case.