Conservation in the Glacial Hills
As he combined corn at night, Tom Beuckens anticipated the jolt that would indicate the spot where hard rains always cut a gully into the field. "It was dark and I was waiting for my wheels to drop in, and nothing happened," Beuckens said. That's when he knew the water and sediment control basins were working.

Transforming a contaminated site in a Minneapolis neighborhood
To successfully complete the Towerside District Stormwater System project and transform a neighborhood in Minneapolis the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) brought together private and public partners.

TSA 8 expands knowledge and skills for SWCD technical staff
"Our work is important because the intersection of forests and waters holds the key to water quality. A lot of our area is in a 'Protection' framework, which means that most of our resources are in good condition. But, this also means they are in need of protection" says BWSR Minor Watershed/Private Forest Management Coordinator, Dan Steward.

Landowner sign up opens to restore wetlands for road program
On January 8, 2018 the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) began accepting applications from landowners to restore wetlands that will be used to support the Local Government Road Wetland Replacement Program (LGRWRP).