
In the 2022-2023 biennium, 57% of BWSR's overall budget came from the Clean Water Fund, the allocated portion of the revenue from the Clean Water Legacy amendment dedicated to protecting, enhancing and restoring water quality in lakes, rivers and streams, and protecting groundwater from degradation.

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The goal of BWSR's Clean Water Fund Program is to help meet statewide water quality goals through the prevention and reduction of non-point source pollution. We do this by passing 82% of the Clean Water Legacy dollars appropriated to BWSR on to our local government partners in the form of competitive grants and formula grants for projects prioritized and targeted to the most critical source areas.

Some of the Clean Water Legacy dollars also fund easements that provide permanent protection of private land resulting in improved surface and ground water quality and the health and security of community water supplies

If you are interested in seeing how BWSR and local partners are putting these funds to good use in your area, take a look at some of our Clean Water stories.

You can also learn more about how the revenue from the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment is being used in Minnesota, by visiting the Legacy website.
