Studying Conservation from Field to Stream
The Root River Field to Stream Partnership (FSP) has been working in three small subwatersheds of the Root River (Bridge Creek, Crystal Creek and South Branch Headwaters) to study nutrient and sediment loss from agricultural fields and measure the effectiveness of conservation practices. The FSP is one of the most comprehensive and intensive studies of its kind in the upper Midwest.

Planting the Seeds: Establishing a state buffers program
In June of 2015, Governor Dayton signed into law a new buffer initiative aimed at enhancing protection of Minnesota’s waters. The law was further clarified in 2016, and the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) is currently in the middle of a deliberate and transparent process to develop program policies and supporting guidance for its statewide implementation.

Assessing the need: the Biennial Budget Request
In March and April of this year, local governments from across Minnesota responded to BWSR’s request to submit planned water resource-oriented activities and budgets for the FY 2018-19 biennium. First initiated in 2012, and then again in 2014, the survey collects information on local government conservation and water management resource needs on a biennial – or two year – basis.

Tracking Performance with PRAP
Since 2008, BWSR’s Performance Review and Assistance Program (PRAP) has monitored and assessed the performance of Minnesota’s local water management entities. While the program was created as by statute, with the intention of assessing performance, BWSR has expanded the program goal to focus on assisting these local government partners to be the best they can be in their management of Minnesota’s land and water resources.