RIM easements extend to Crow Wing River
“It’s a good opportunity for us to protect drinking water that goes to the Twin Cities by putting easements on areas that contribute to the Crow Wing River, which runs to the Mississippi River. These easements provide water quality benefits as well as wildlife habitat.” — Bill Penning, BWSR conservation programs consultant
West Polk SWCD Manager Nicole Bernd named 2019 Outstanding SWCD Employee
“Nicole has a very effective way of communicating with employees to get everyone on the same page, and then allowing us to set our own goals and formulate our own plans to get work done,” said Morgan Torkelson, district technician. “Her default is to approach every situation as an opportunity to work with people and promote friendship and professional cooperation.”

Matt Kocian named 2019 Outstanding Watershed District Employee
“Matt approaches each project with an objective for the resource and an awareness of the human factor,” RCWD Administrator Nick Tomczik said. “He can translate very technical information into a language most residents can understand, and he is willing to learn from each interaction.”

Restored West Branch Warroad River channel improves safety
The Warroad River Watershed District’s first major undertaking taps Clean Water Fund and disaster relief grants. Sediment reduction is expected in downstream Roseau County waters.