Camp Ripley buffers approach 30,000-acre mark
The Army Compatible Use Buffer program aims to enroll 78,000 acres of compatible-use lands, including public waters, to protect the Minnesota National Guard’s training mission at the 24-hour-a-day regional center. The easements also preserve fish and wildlife habitat

Pollinator habitat program takes flight
Minnesota residents can now apply for assistance to create pollinator habitat in their yards through Lawns to Legumes, a new BWSR program. Lawns to Legumes offers free workshops, planting guides, and opportunities to apply for reimbursement of gardening costs associated with establishing pollinator-friendly habitat. Applications for reimbursement will be accepted through Feb. 28.

Elk River watershed trends improving
Clean Water Funds from BWSR plus NRCS assistance allowed SWCD staff and landowners to pursue conservation practices that benefit water quality in Benton and Sherburne counties. The upstream work also protects a source of Twin Cities drinking water.

PTMapp enables planning with precision
Planning for water quality on a watershed scale is complex. Implementing projects where they are most needed can be just as challenging. BWSR developed an online tool to help local governments implement comprehensive watershed management plans accurately and efficiently. The Prioritize, Target, and Measure Application (PTMapp) helps local government staff plan projects with precision, explore cost-effective implementation options, and measure water quality improvements.