Whiskey Creek’s $10M restoration
Landowners, leveraged funds and partners are the keys to Wilkin SWCD and Buffalo-Red River Watershed District’s $10 million Whiskey Creek restoration project designed to produce clean-water and wildlife habitat benefits, and fix drainage problems. Funding includes an NRCS National Water Quality Initiative award, Clean Water Funds from BWSR, and an MPCA watershed pilot project award.
Grants support MN CREP implementation
The MN CREP Outreach and Implementation grant program helps 44 soil and water conservation districts work with landowners to permanently protect environmentally sensitive land. Grant funding enables SWCDs to dedicate staff time to MN CREP and provide technical assistance to landowners looking to enroll. In June, the Legislature approved an extension for the program that will allow it to operate for one more year.

Wetland banking marks progress, growth
More planning and documentation has resulted in higher quality wetland replacements via the Wetland Conservation Act, which established Minnesota’s wetland banking program. Now, BWSR and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are streamlining the wetland bank review process based on feedback.

Clearing up Lake Independence
Pioneer-Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commission advances Three Rivers Park District’s work to improve water quality of a popular Hennepin County lake that draws anglers, boaters and swimmers to Baker Park Reserve. Clean Water Funds from BWSR are in play.