Lawns to Legumes: Pollinator protection by the yard
A developing BWSR program will enable Minnesota residents to make a difference for pollinators in their own yards. Lawns to Legumes will offer cost-share, technical assistance, coaching and planting guides to eligible residents who install pollinator-friendly native plantings in their yards. The emphasis is on protecting the federally endangered state bee, the rusty patched bumblebee.

Pomme de Terre tackles water quality
“Where would those levels be if we weren’t doing anything?” — Keith Swanson, Pomme de Terre River Association Joint Powers Board chairman, on a decade-long effort to improve water quality through conservation practices within the 874-square-mile watershed that spans six counties and feeds the Minnesota River.
Long Lake poised for gradual improvement
With four elements of a five-year, $6 million project complete, the Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) anticipates the water quality of a popular north metro recreation spot will gradually improve. With $3 million in Clean Water Funds from a BWSR Targeted Watershed Demonstration grant, RCWD tackled projects aimed at reducing how much sediment and phosphorus enters the lake. Nearly a half-million people use Long Lake Regional Park’s swimming beach, boat launch and trail system every year.

Marketing clarifies protection-based plan
First, Crow Wing County introduced a protection-based water management plan focused on surface water, groundwater and aquatic invasive species. Then it unleashed a multi-platform marketing campaign based on the premise that landowners want to do the right thing.