BWSR offers a suite of program & operations grants to each Soil and Water Conservation District with funds for the general administration and operation of the district or to provide cost-share funds for landowner conservation projects. The grants are intended to provide districts a certain degree of funding stability. The following is a partial list of how Soil and Water Conservation Districts use BWSR grants: 

  • Pay for the costs of employing staff
  • Rental of office space
  • Automobile operating expenses
  • Postage and utilities
  • Supervisors' compensation and expenses


To be eligible, SWCDs must provide an approved: 

  • Annual Plan
  • Comprehensive Plan
  • Annual Report (includes financial statement)
Program Policies

Policies applicable to SWCD grants can be found on the Grant Program Policies page, and include:

  • Conservation Contracts Program Policy
  • CREP Outreach Program Policy
  • SWCD Conservation Delivery & Capacity Policy
  • Erosion Control and Water Management Policy (State Cost-Share)
Grant Profiles

Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture Pilot Grant Profile

Buffer Law Implementation Grant Profile

Conservation Contracts Program Grants Profile

Conservation Delivery Grant Profile

Cooperative Weed Management Grant Profile

Soil Health Cost Share Grant Profile

Soil Health Delivery Grant Profile

Soil Health Staffing Grant Profile

State Cost Share Program Grant Profile

SWCD Local Capacity Services Grant Profile

SWCDs may be eligible for additional grants through the Clean Water Fund, Watershed-Based Implementation Funding, DRAP, or other programs.


FY 2024 & 2025 Buffer Implementation (pdf) (posted September 8, 2023)

FY 2024 & 2025 Conservation Delivery & Conservation Contracts Program (pdf) (posted August 30, 2023)

FY 2023 SWCD Local Capacity Allocations (pdf) (posted September 8, 2023)

FY 2023 Buffer Implementation (pdf) (posted September 8, 2023)

FY 2022 SWCD Local Capacity Allocations (pdf) (posted October 27, 2021)

FY 2022 & 2023 Conservation Delivery & State Cost-Share Allocations (pdf) (updated September 8, 2023)

FY 2022 Buffer Implementation (pdf) (posted October 27, 2021)

FY 2022 Buffer Supplemental (pdf) (updated September 8, 2023)

FY 2021 SWCD Local Capacity Allocations (pdf) (posted September 8, 2023)

FY 2020 SWCD Local Capacity Allocations (pdf) (posted September 16, 2019)

FY 2020 & 2021 Conservation Delivery & State Cost-Share Allocations (pdf) (posted July 3, 2019)

FY 2020 Buffer Implementation Allocations (pdf) (posted July 3, 2019)

FY16-FY19 SWCD Local Capacity Matching History (posted July 12, 2019)

FY 2018-19 Conservation Delivery, Cost Share, Capacity and Buffer Implementation Allocations (pdf) (posted June 29, 2018)

FY 2017 SWCD Local Capacity Requested Funds and Calculated Match (pdf)

FY 2017 SWCD Local Capacity Matching Grant Allocations (pdf)

FY 2017 SWCD Programs and Operations Grant Allocations (pdf)

FY 2016 SWCD Local Capacity Amendments (pdf)

FY 2016 SWCD Programs and Operations Grant Allocations (pdf)

FY 2015 SWCD Programs and Operations Grant Allocations (pdf)


This Local Capacity Funding at Work (pdf) document  showcases the many ways SWCDs were able to use capacity funding from the FY16/17 Budget to expand their reach.

If you have questions regarding grant program policies, please contact your board conservationist.