On November 4, 2008, Minnesota voters approved the Clean Water, Land & Legacy Amendment to the constitution to:
- protect drinking water sources;
- protect, enhance, and restore wetlands, prairies, forests, and fish, game, and wildlife habitat;
- preserve arts and cultural heritage;
- support parks and trails;
- and protect, enhance, and restore lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater.
The Amendment increases the sales and use tax rate by three-eighths of one percent on taxable sales, starting July 1, 2009, continuing through 2034. Those dollars are dedicated to four funds: Outdoor Heritage Fund, Clean Water Fund, Parks and Trails Fund, and Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
BWSR has received appropriations from the Outdoor Heritage Fund and the Clean Water Fund.
Specifics about projects funded through BWSR are available at our Clean Water Stories page.
Additionally, the Legislative Coordinating Commission (LCC) maintains the Minnesota's Legacy website to help Minnesotans monitor how these dollars are spent.
- Program Policies
Policies for Clean Water Fund and other programs can be found on the Grant Program Policies page.
- Competitive Grants & Grant Profiles
Accelerated Implementation Grant Profile
Clean Water Legacy Partners Grant Profile
Multipurpose Drainage Management Grant Profile
One Watershed One Plan Program
- Formula Grants & Grant Profiles
Lake Superior Basin Implementation Grant Profile
One Watershed One Plan Mid-Point Grant Profile
SWCD Local Capacity Services Grant Profile
TSA Enhanced Shared Services Grant Profile
- Clean Water Fund Promotion & Legacy Logo
BWSR is committed to promoting Clean Water Fund projects, and we encourage you to also promote Clean Water Fund projects that are underway in your location.
The Legacy Logo identifies projects funded by the Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment. BWSR grants funded through the Amendment require the logo to be posted where practicable, per the grant agreement.If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the BWSR Communications Coordinator at 651-296-3767.
- Clean Water Fund Grant Recipients
Visit our CWF Grant Recipients page for more details on projects that have been funded through this program.
- Partners
Protecting Minnesota’s waters is a joint effort between seven partner agencies, who collaborate and partner on Minnesota’s water resource management activities under the Clean Water Fund:
- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
- Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
- Minnesota Department of Agriculture
- Minnesota Department of Health
- Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources
- Minnesota Public Facilities Authority
- Metropolitan Council
Additionally, these agencies collaborate with the University of Minnesota’s Water Resources Center.
- Clean Water Fund Listening Sessions
A series of listening sessions around the state were held in 2010 to gather ideas and insights to inform the Minnesota Water Sustainability Framework, a 25-year plan on how and when to make investments that will ensure the purity and abundance of Minnesota's water for generations to come. Citizens, local officials and water resources professionals are invited to attend the listening session in their area to provide input on this plan.
Download the 11 x 17 Handout (pdf) on the Clean Water Fund Listening Sessions or read more about the Clean Water Fund Listening Sessions (pdf).