This searchable library contains stories from all of BWSR’s regular publications including Snapshots, Featured Plants, and Conservation Stories. Search by keyword, county, major watershed basin, publication date, funding source, or publication type. Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact Mary Juhl.

Note: Staff continue to populate this webpage with BWSR’s full catalog of stories. Check back regularly for new content.

Waters edge with tall grasses and lily pads.

Nine delistings tied to work backed by Clean Water Funds

BWSR grants support conservation partners’ projects that contribute to water-quality improvements in 7 lakes, a river reach and a stream segment

Sheep in the background grazing while two men stand in the front.

Rotational grazing boosts productivity

A Winona County farmer counts soil health and sheep health among the rewards of an intensively managed system

View of work on Lincoln Park.

Duluth park revamp incorporates stormwater treatment, aids trout

Lincoln Park’s $4.2M revitalization tapped a host of partners and funding sources; Clean Water Fund-backed work will help to improve habitat in Miller Creek

backhoe working for improvements to creek.

First 7 miles of Whiskey Creek restoration show effectiveness of NRCS-backed work

Federal and state funds support the Wilkin SWCD and Buffalo-Red River Watershed District’s work with landowners benefiting water quality, water quantity and wildlife

Search BWSR's story library

Story Date
Story Title Video Link County Major Watershed Basin Funding Sources Publication Type
Bolstering buffers in Waseca County (PDF) Waseca Lower Mississippi River Basin, Minnesota River Basin Clean Water Fund Snapshot
Restoring the Wild Rice River (PDF) Clearwater, Mahnomen, Norman Red River of the North Basin Clean Water Fund Snapshot
Featured Plant: American pasqueflower (Anemone patens) (PDF) Featured Plant
Crow Wing SWCD’s targeted approach gains deeper rewards (PDF) Crow Wing Upper Mississippi River Basin Clean Water Fund Snapshot
Red Lake SWCD's Clearwater focus (PDF) Red Lake Rainy River Basin, Red River of the North Basin Clean Water Fund Snapshot
Protecting Del Clark Lake's water quality (PDF) Yellow Medicine Minnesota River Basin Clean Water Fund Snapshot
Wetland trifecta: habitat, park, roads (PDF) Anoka Upper Mississippi River Basin Environment and Natural Resources Trust Snapshot
Featured Plant: Golden Alexanders (Zizia aurea) (PDF) Featured Plant
Lake Augusta delisting reflects trend (PDF) Meeker, Stearns, Wright Upper Mississippi River Basin Clean Water Fund Conservation Story
Red Lake County SWCD projects save topsoil, improve river’s water quality (PDF) Red Lake Red River of the North Basin Clean Water Fund Conservation Story
Lawns to Legumes: Pollinator protection by the yard (PDF) Statewide Statewide Other Snapshot
Shingle Creek's linked restorations (PDF) Hennepin Upper Mississippi River Basin Clean Water Fund Snapshot
Live stakes: How to expand shrubbery (PDF) Statewide Statewide Other Snapshot
Lake Augusta delisting reflects trend (PDF) Wright Upper Mississippi River Basin Clean Water Fund Snapshot
Building landscape resiliency via water storage (PDF) Statewide Statewide Other Snapshot
Featured Plant: Virginia Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum virginianum) (PDF) Featured Plant
Optimizing cover crops for forage, fertilizer, soil health (PDF) Goodhue Lower Mississippi River Basin Conservation Story
Beyond clarity: SWCD’s targeted approach yields deeper rewards (PDF) Crow Wing Upper Mississippi River Basin Clean Water Fund Conservation Story
Shingle Creek’s linked restorations augment habitat, curb bank erosion (PDF) Hennepin Upper Mississippi River Basin Clean Water Fund Conservation Story
MN CREP easement links tracts of public land, augments habitat (PDF) Cottonwood Minnesota River Basin Clean Water Fund, Federal Fund, Outdoor Heritage Fund Conservation Story