Effective plant selection, establishment and management plays an essential role in the success of conservation projects. The following information summarizes key webpages and additional resources related to these topics. 

Vegetation Guidelines - BWSR's Native Vegetation Establishment and Enhancement Guidelines have recently been updated (Fall 2022) to a web-based format and separate webpage. This comprehensive resource has designed to assist resource professionals and landowners across Minnesota in meeting state vegetation policies and standards, and to guide the successful planting and management of restoration and other conservation projects. The guidelines cover a wide range of topics for BWSR funded projects including seed and plant source, plant variety use, planting dates, recommended diversity levels, establishment and management strategies and climate change considerations. 

Key Programs - BWSR Programs that have a focus on establishing native vegetation include the Reinvest in Minnesota Program (RIM), Lawns to Legumes, the Habitat Enhancement Landscape program (HELP), Wetland Banking, Habitat Friendly Utilities, Habitat Friendly Solar, and many Clean Water Fund projects. 

Seed Mixes - Over 70 state seed mixes have been developed for a wide range of restoration and conservation purposes across the state. These seed mixes and related information can be found on BWSR's seed mix webpage

Invasive Plants - A separate webpage has been developed focused on the identification and management of invasive plant species. BWSR also has a Cooperative Weed Management Area Program to fund and sustain local organizations that work on the management of invasive species across geographic areas

Native Plant Identification - Effective skills in identifying plants plays an important role in assessing the establishment and management needs of conservation programs. Plant Identification resources can be found on a separate native plant ID and information webpage.

purple wildflowers in wet meadow

Additional information on plant selection for specific purposes can be found on the following pages:


Dan Shaw
Senior Ecologist/Vegetation Specialist