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Technical Training Individual Development Plans

Do you have technical training needs? Make sure to enter them into your IDP by Friday, October 18, 2024.

We regularly pull updated information from IDPs, but once a year we take a snapshot of technical training needs and use them to establish our annual training plan. While you don't have to complete an IDP to attend training, we use this information to determine what trainings to offer and where to offer them. We also communicate directly about upcoming opportunities if you identified the topic in your IDP.

Click here to read a joint statement from the Partnership regarding IDPs.

Click here to access your IDP in eLINK.

What is an Individual Development Plan (IDP)?

An IDP is a written plan that can be used by employees and managers to reach long and short term professional development goals. The information from these individual development plans will also be used as a foundation for an annual training needs inventory. Individual development plans are completed or updated annually, and can be used to identify and document credential and Job Approval Authority (JAA) goals.

How does the IDP document training needs?

Completing your IDP within eLINK will allow users to identify priority practices and areas of needed training. TTCP uses this information to prioritize training needs and deliver training based on needs and locations. Area Technical Training Team members will also be able to review and use the information to prioritize local training needs.

Why should I use the new Individual Development Plan tool? What are the benefits for me, as  SWCD, TSA, or NRCS staff?

This tool is your opportunity to have an impact on what training opportunities are offered each year. The IDP tool will help you communicate training needs, record and track your credentials and document what training sessions you've attended. In addition, your individual development plan can be used by you and your manger to help you identify and meet long and short term professional development goals. 

The tool gives managers the ability to document priority resource concerns and practices for their area, can help to assess the capability of staff to assist landowners with those practices, and track employee certifications, credentials and training. Managers can use the tool to assist staff in prioritizing and achieving professional development goals. Managers can also view their staffs' IDP information collectively to better understand the abilities and competencies of staff in a service area or county.

Create an Account

Most users (NRCS and SWCD staff and managers) already have an account. Some do not. 

Need an account? Follow the instructions on the setting up an account page to create a new account. This link also provides instructions for how to reset your password or to get your account unlocked if you aren't able to remember your password and got locked out of your account.

NRCS staff: NRCS contact data was imported into the new tool on June 10, 2019. Any NRCS staff who are new to the system after that date will need to create an account.  

SWCD or Technical Service Area (TSA) employees: If you have an eLINK account, you have access to this new tool.

Most users will be assigned a "staff" role, allowing them to view and edit their own credentials, training needs, and training history. BWSR has assigned a "manager" role to users whose current title indicates manager, administrator, or director responsibilities. This role will allow them to view and edit credentials, training needs, and training history for themselves and members of their staff, including staff who do not have eLINK accounts. You may request this permission by emailing eLINK support.

Video Guidance

The following video tutorials walk managers and technical staff through the use of the eLINK Technical Training IDP tool.

User Guidance: This video is recommended for all users of the Technical Training IDP tool, and walks through the steps of viewing Organizational Priorities; entering Training Needs, Credentials, and Training History; generating an IDP reporting; and using the Search Technical Training feature.

Manager Guidance: This video highlights the additional permissions and responsibilities of the Manager role, including entering Organizational Priorities, and generating an IDP or entering Training Needs, Credentials, and Training History on behalf of themselves or their staff.

Skills Matrix

The IDP Matrix identifies recommended skills technical staff should master for each conservation practice. These skills correspond to the Basic and Advanced Skills in pulldown menus in the Employee IDP tab.

The Skills Matrix Definitions provide a brief explanation for each of the Basic and Advanced Skills in the IDP tool.

Contact Us

Have a question about a specific course or a series of courses? Contact TTCP Staff

Having account or system usage issues? Need to reset your password, or need help unlocking your account, or help entering data? Contact eLINK Support.